Protect Me: Chapter 12

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A/N: There is going to be a lot of point of view changes in this one. Sorry this has taken so long for me to get up. I'm really bad at fight scenes and I wanted to make this an epic battle for all you lovelies! Enjoy! <3


Kuryah and I left Gaara about an hour later, noting that none of the ANBU had moved, although some of them had been replaced. We returned to the house and I pulled her to my room and away from Kankuro, who was messing with his puppets at the kitchen table. I sat on my bed as she walked to my large window.

"So, what's the rest of this grand plan of yours to help my brother?" She didn't say anything right away and just stared out my window. I tapped my foot in irritation, because the sun was going to set soon and she had said we'd get him that night.

"I'll use some clones as a distraction to draw most of the ANBU away to the other side of the village," she said after another five minutes. "Then you and I will sneak in on the highest floor without them and head to Gaara. You'll have to take out any left while I go undo the jutsu." I blinked in surprise. Maybe the reason she had been so quiet was the fact that she had been going over details in order for this to succeed.

"What about Kankuro? Can he do anything?" She shook her head.

"I already tried a scenario where he could help, and he can't. It is best if you and I are the only ones to go." I nodded, trusting her judgment for some reason. Why did I trust her so easily? Probably because she just seemed like a very logical ninja; very monotone and all that. It had nothing to do with the fact that Gaara seemed happy around her, even in a coma. Nope, defiantly not that.


Temari and I headed out just before the sun was completely set. Kankuro was still at the kitchen table tinkering with his puppets and ignored us when we left. When we stepped out into the sandy air, we looked at each other and nodded. I watched her calmly walk off towards the hospital as I turned and jumped up the the rooftops. I then made my way to the other side of the village, between the gate and a few training fields. I stood against the wall with my hand in my weapons pouch and took a deep breath. This was the first time I was nervous about a plan I had formulated, but I couldn't figure out why. I took another deep breath as I watched the final light leave the sky. It was time.


The first sign that the plan was in motion was a low rumble that traveled through the entire village. It was followed by a small earthquake that didn't damage anything, but it did get the villagers whispering. Other shinobi I passed were looking towards the gate nervously. "Had the Leaf come so soon for revenge?" I could hear in the mutters. I laughed to myself nervously, not sure what Kuryah had in store as a distraction.


I was breathing pretty hard after my summon, which was larger than I normally summoned. The small rock golems tilted their heads at me curiously, waiting for instruction. They started to scare me a little, which was yet another strange feeling. I shook myself and set my mind back to how it was before I ever went to the Leaf village. I felt a coldness grow inside me and a red haze covered everything. I weaved the signs for sand clones. The golems instantly climbed onto them and covered them like armor. I stuck my hand back into my weapons pouch and pulled out my dreaded robe. As it draped around me, I felt something moving within me, and knew I didn't have much longer. I took off across the roofs as my golems roared loudly. Screams of the villagers filled my ears, and a strange smile warped across my face.


A roar that shook me to my core howled through the streets of the village. The people started screaming and running to the nearest doorways. I and the other shinobi jumped to the rooftops and looked towards the gate and saw a huge cloud of sand being kicked up. My eyes widened as I saw multiple shapes that seemed to be growing. Hands made of sand and stone would appear out of the sand, and then I saw the eyes. Terrible glowing red eyes, like that of a demon's. They were so bright that they left lines in my vision as they passed through the group with me. I turned and looked after them and followed. I was unaware of my mouth barking orders to the other shinobi, but none of them followed me. They headed towards the creatures at the gate. I followed the cloaked figure with the red eyes to the roof of the hospital. It slouched onto the ground and I pulled out a kunei, not sure what to expect.

"Who are you?" I asked. The figure tried to sit up, and I heard heavy breathing.

"Temari, help me. We have to-" Her voice was cut off by the wretched sound of coughing up blood, which splattered all over the roof. I rushed to Kuryah's side and helped her up. I pulled off her stupid robe and stuffed it in her open weapons pouch.

"Can't have the ANBU seeing you in this," I muttered as she laughed a little.

"You have a point there." She was in her battle gear, which she had worn during the exams. I put one of her arms around my shoulders just as ANBU burst out of the door leading down into the hospital.

"What happened to her?" one asked.

"Akatsuki," Kuryah muttered. "Strange demon creatures have been summoned to the gate." She coughed again and splattered blood over her gear.

"Alright. Miss Temari, take her downstairs and we will handle the intruders." I nodded and they left as we walked down into the hospital. Kuryah wiped her mouth and stood strong and dropped her arm from my shoulders. Her eyes started glowing red again.

"Let's go. I don't have long." I nodded and we ran down the stairs. We ran down the empty hall towards Gaara's room, the roars of the creatures echoing around us.

"I take it those are your creations?" She nodded. "What are they?" I heard her sigh.

"They are a mixture of things. Rock golems, sand clones, and the undying hatred that sleeps inside me." I looked at her in surprise  and saw that her face was blank and her eyes were glowing more. "Soon it will consume me, and then there will be no hope for the world." I was so shocked I stopped running. She did too and looked back at me with a smirk on her face.

"Unless we wake Gaara.

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