Not Who I Was Expecting

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Kensi stirred as the sun shone through her window as she stretched out and opened her eyes and rolled over to see someone else in her bed. "Oh my head" she said as she grabbed onto her head.

Realising she was naked; Kensi slid out of bed and found her clothes and got dressed. She looked at the male figure that was in her bed. "Well, it's not Deeks." She thought with to be honest a sigh of relief, he would never let her live it down. She continued to work her way around to the other side of the room as his face came into view there laid Callen in her bed.

"I slept with Callen, I slept with Callen. Oh My God." She said as she walked out of her bedroom into her lounge.

Kensi could hear Callen stirring as she made her way back to the bedroom. She stood at the doorway and called out "Callen, Callen, you need to get up, come on, Callen."

Callen continued to stir, opening his eyes and looked around. "Where am I?" he thought, he looked under the sheets. He looks up to see Kensi standing in the doorway.

"Kensi? Did we have" and before Callen could finish his sentence.

"Considering we were both naked when we woke up I'd say it was a good possibility Callen."

"Hang on, you don't remember?" He asked as he was getting dressed.

"It's all a little fuzzy, but I remember you taking me home and I was a little drunk, look even if we did have sex Callen, I don't regret it." She said as she paced up and down the room.

Callen stood in front of her and grabbed her shoulders. "Kensi, look I can't say I don't feel anything for you because I do, but I'm your senior agent, we work together. Look we don't have time to talk about this right now. I need to get home and then into OPS."

Kensi looked away from Callen. "Yeah, okay, we'll talk later."

"Kensi, I promise we will talk about this later." Said Callen as he left her apartment, then realising he had no car, walked back to Kensi's apartment and knocked on the door. Kensi answered the door.

"I don't have a car here. Do you mind giving me a lift home? He asks

"Yeah, I'll just grab my bag" She said as she grabbed her bag and they headed out.

Kensi and Callen jumped in the car and headed over to Callen's.

"So do you want to talk about last night?" he asked.

"No" she replies. "Not right now, look, if we talk about it now, it's going to get weird at work and I don't want that to happen. So can we please just talk about it later." She said as she breaths out.

"Okay" he replies simply.

"Okay" repeats Kensi

10 minutes later they arrive at Callen's apartment.

"Thanks for the lift Kensi. I'll see you in OPS in a little bit."

"Yeah" she says Callen exits her car and closes the door.

Kensi heads into OSP early.

"Ms Blye, I'm surprised you're in this early, especially after last night?"

"Morning Hetty. What do you mean after last night?"

"Well, we all left the bar a little worse for wear Ms Blye." Chuckled Hetty. "Mr Callen left with yourself, Mr Hanna took a cab and Mr Deeks walked home."

"I dropped Callen off on the way home and went home and crashed." Said Kensi

Then Sam and Deeks walked in.

"Morning Guys" says Kensi

"Morning Kens." Says Deeks

Morning Kensi" Says Sam

"So Kensalina, how are you feeling after last night?" Asks Deeks

"I feel good." Replies Kensi

"Seriously, after last night I feel like an elephant sat on my head." Says Deeks

"Well, just shows I'm tougher than you Deeks" She says

"Well, that was just not necessary." Says Deeks

"Anyone seen Callen?" Asks Sam

"Maybe he met someone and he's rolling around in bed with her" Says Deeks

"Maybe he just slept in." Says Kensi hoping they'd drop it.

"G, doesn't sleep Kensi. He gets up practises his Russian, Practises his Arabic, he bat naps."

Then Callen walks through the door and into the bullpen.

"Finally he arrives!" says Sam. "You're late!"

"My alarm clock didn't go off I slept in." He replied simply

"With who, you barely sleep? Replied Sam

"No-one, we had a big night. I just slept in."

"Alright. I'll leave it for now." Said Sam

"Morning Deeks, Kensi" he said

Both replied "Morning"

Callen looks at Kensi and smiles, she smiles back

"Case on Deck" yelled Eric from Ops as they head up the stairs to OPS

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