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Kensi and Callen were on their way to Sam's vacation place.

"You looking forward to getting away for a bit." Said Callen

"After the last couple of months we've had I think we more deserve it." She said with a smile.

"We definitely do deserve that." Said Callen as he continued to drive.

"It was nice of Sam to loan us his vacation place."

"Yeah, it's a nice place."

"You've been there before?"

"Yeah once before when I spent Christmas with Sam and Michelle and the kids"

"Hmmm" Kensi nodded. "So is there much to do there?"

"You need grasp the concept of vacation Kens, it's a time for the three R's."

"The three R's?"

"Rest, Relax and Recharge."

Kensi laughed.

"What are you laughing at" Said Callen as he tried to keep his eyes on the road.

"I just never thought of you as the relaxing type" Said Kensi

"There's a lot you don't know about me Kens" He teased

"Yeah G Callen, International Man of Mystery."

Callen chuckled as he too her hand as they continued their drive.

Cut forward to their arrival at the beach house

Callen and Kensi pulled up into the driveway in front of Sam's house.

"Wow" Said Kensi as Callen unloaded their luggage out of the trunk.

Their house was beautiful. It was a typical beach house situated right on the beach, painted white, with a balcony that stemmed all around the outside. Kensi turned to face the ocean. She closed her eyes as she felt the breeze from the ocean flow over here and smiled. Callen walked over to her and smiled.

"Kens..." He said. "What are you doing?"

Without opening her eyes Kensi replied. "You don't feel it?"

"Feel what Kens."

"Kensi opened her eyes and looked at Callen "Just the stillness, the peacefulness, the view, the sound of the ocean. I can see why Sam loves it here.

Callen looked at Kensi. "The view from where I am sitting is pretty great."

Kensi smirked as she kissed Callen. They broke the kiss a few seconds later.

"Come let's go inside." He said with bags in hand as Kensi followed.

They opened the door and walked inside. Kensi looked around and she could see Sam's personality all around the house, from the handmade furniture to the art on the walls.

"This is amazing. I can definitely see Sam's touch in this place." Said Kensi as Callen put the bags down.

"Yeah, he's pretty proud of this place. He made some of the furniture himself."

"It's amazing." She said as she continued to make her way through the house with Callen in tow eventually walking into the master bedroom as Kensi collapsed on the bed.

"Wow, this bed is comfy. I could just crash after today." She said as she relaxed back into the bed.

Callen smirked and climbed on top of her. "I hope you're not too tired for what I had planned for later?"

Kensi smiled. "And what exactly did you have planned for later." She said full well knowing the answer.

"I can't tell you that." He said as their faces were only mere centimeters apart.

Suddenly without warning Kensi flipped Callen so she was on top of him.

"You know I have ways of making you talk you know" she said as she ran her hand down his torso and pushed up his shirt and started kissing his torso.

"Yes, you do." He said as he started to get lost against the feel of her soft lips connecting with his torso.

Suddenly Callen's phone rang ruining the moment. Callen grabbed it and saw Sam's name up on the screen. "It's Sam" Said Callen.

Kensi stopped what she was doing and looked around. "What he's not..."

Callen held up his phone. "On the phone Kens, on the phone." He laughed.

"Just answer your phone okay." Said Kensi

"Yeah Sam"

"G, You got there okay I see."

"Yeah, we got here not that long ago. How did you..."

Then the lightbulb clicked. Of course an undercover agent of Sam's caliber would have security cameras. Sam and Callen then had one of their conversations when they finished each other's sentences.

"You have..." Said Callen

"Yep..." Said Sam. "You know Kensi's gonna be..."

"Pissed, yeah I know."

"What if I don't...."

"Tell her. She'll find out she's.."

"Kensi, yeah I know.. I gotta go Sam."

"That was Sam?" She asked

"Yeah. He wanted to make sure we got here okay."

"That was nice of him, but why did you say I was gonna be pissed?"

"Because Sam knew when we had arrived." Kensi stared at him blankly.

"Kensi. Sam knew we had arrived" he said as he motioned his head up towards the small security cameras.

"Son of a...! Wow do I feel embarrassed." She said as she put her hands over her face.

"It's alright Kens, it's not the first time we've been caught in a compromised position." He said as he chuckled

"Wow, low blow Callen."

"It's the truth Kens" he said with a smile. "Come on let's go down take a walk on the beach.

Callen and Kensi made their way hand in hand and walked along the beach as the ocean washed over their feet.

"Kens, I know either of us don't really know much about the other. I mean me I don't know much about me at all you know. I don't even know my first name."

Kensi smiled.

"But I do want to know more about you."

Kensi wasn't the best person when it came to opening up about herself, but she was willing to try for the good of the relationship "Alright well what do you want know?" She asked

"Anything you want to share Kens" He said as they continued walking

Kensi started to talk about, how she lost her dad when she was 15. She ran away, she lived on the streets for a year and a half. The strained relationship she had with her mum. She talked about wanting to be a bounty hunter before she joined NCIS. Growing up with her dad after her mum left.

Kensi smiled as they headed back towards the house. She turned to Callen.

"Well I've opened up. Now it's your turn." She said

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