The Beginning

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Deeks and Kensi headed up towards Ops as Callen and Sam followed.

"So you're really gonna pretend nothing is going on G?" he asked

"I have no idea, what you're talking about" he said as he sped up in front of Sam as they all entered OPS.

Sam smiles and heads into OPS after them.

"Eric play the footage." Says Hetty

"The man in the footage is Edward White. He is an NCIS Agent."

"What was Edward doing there?" Asks Callen

"You know him G?" Asks Sam

"Yeah, we worked together on a taskforce a couple of years ago trying to find the identity of Ohatna, he is good guy, good agent."

"He was working a long term deep cover op trying to ascertain the identity of this man" Said Hetty as a grainy image came up on the screen.

"That's Ohatna." Said Callen as he looked at the screen.

"Hetty, why didn't you tell me that that OP was re-activated?"

"I wasn't aware it was Mr Callen. I only found out after the fact."

"Agent White called in a few hours before this video was taken; he was concerned saying that his cover had been compromised. We were preparing to get him out."

"But someone got there first" Said Callen.

Hetty nods as the surveillance video restarted as they saw White turn around they saw a figure come up behind and he is garroted and his attacker walks away as he bleeds out.

"Did we catch him on any other surveillance cameras?" Asks Callen

"No, he managed to avoid all the cameras." Replied Eric

"So the running theory is that Ohatna's identity was compromised and he took out Agent White?" Says Callen

"Yes, that appears to be what happened Mr. Callen." Replied Hetty as she left the OPS centre

"Kensi, Deeks, head to White's apartment, see if there is anything there relating to the case or anything that can lead us to Ohatna's real identity."

"Sam and I will speak to the agent in charge of the OP and then hit up the old people in the task force and see if anyone has any information."

Kensi and Deeks head out to check out White's apartment.

Deeks looks over Kensi. "So, what happened with you and Callen last night?"

"What do you mean? Nothing happened; I just dropped him off home."

"Hmmm Kensi, come on I saw him smile at you back in OPS and you returned that smile. Something happened."

"I'm just a happy person Deeks." She said as she smiled at him."

"Yeah you maybe, but Callen, he's got that perpetual stoic look." Says Deeks

"It's all in your mind Deeks." Said Kensi. "We are here, so how about we focus on work okay." She said as she picked the lock to Agents White House

"Alright." He says as he enters the house ahead of Kensi.

"You're not gonna let this go are you." She said

"Nope." He replied

"Yeah." She said as she followed Kensi into the house.

Callen and Sam headed to speak with the Agent Winter who was in charge of the OP. They normally talk on their car rides but today Callen was in his own head. Images started to come back from last night. His hands running down her athletic body, his lip kissing her soft supple skin, his hands caressing her breasts, his hands running down in between her thighs. Then he could Sam's voice.

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