{chapter 2}

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The ticket was an unfortunate part of my morning.
It was actually all for nothing since first classes were canceled because of "conditions".

That was an excuse obviously from our professors who just didn't want to haul ass over here in the rain.

I sat in the empty parking lot for a little bit unsure of even what to do. I haven't had a free class in so long I felt like I was being born again. With nothing to do I drove myself over to my little cafe where I often spend countless hours studying since it was quite and I could get food. It was also a great place to go inbetween classes when I had larger gaps.

I was glad I choose to go there once I arrived because I was able to order myself a panini and a blended caramel drink with extra caramel. A drastic change from my normal routine of cheese pizza with a Diet Pepsi.

The cafe had become some what as a little safe haven for me over the year. It sometimes got crowded with other students, but most of the time it was moderate.The cafe had darkish walls with red trim, giving it a relaxing feel. All of the things featured in the menu were also written above on a chalk board, giving it a cute and soft feel. As If the aroma of coffee wasn't alluring enough.

I sat at my favorite table by the window and decided to lurk on social media in the mean time. Instead I was met with  three texts, one from my dad, mom and sister.

Ellie: ooo Mia just warning you ,dad got the email about you getting another ticket
Mom: Mia honey , I know your working really hard but please work on your driving skills , I don't want you to get hurt
Dad: Amelia you better call me as soon as you get this.

At first it upset me that my sister was obviously at home and I didn't know, I would of made some excuse to go there and visit. My sister and I were extremely close and told each other everything, but lately we've both been busy with our lives.

At first when she announced she wanted model , my father was not pleased. He was convinced that she would end up poor and scammed but he was way wrong. Ellie was currently twenty four  and recently walked in the New York Fashion Show. I was beyond proud of her. And proud she proved our overbearing father wrong.

Me on the other hand, I never honestly dreamed of doing anything other than medicine. Ever since I was young my dream was to be just like my parents and be a successful surgeon. Although in high school I wavered from that a bit and wanted to become an artist of some sort. Unlike my sister I was too afraid to disappoint my parents so I eventually stuck with my idea of medicine.

I rolled my eyes at my fathers text not wanting to deal with a year long lecture. I swiped it left , dismissing it and going back to my social media.

I received my food and gladly ate it, happy to have something in my stomach for the first time in forever.

I sat at my table and savored every bite of the fresh food. I groaned angrily as I got another update from the college that all further classes were canceled. I thought about how comfortable and makeup free I could of been at the moment, along with never getting that stupid ticket.

Other students would usually be happy, but not med students. This just meant we would have double the work when we came back.

I decided to try and open my bag and try and get as ahead as I could since next time I went to class I would be bombarded with piles of work and future quizzes.

That only lasted so long. The words of book began bleeding into one another and my focus quickly drifted . I ended up getting back onto my phone and texting my best friend Minnie. , asking if she wanted to make plans to go out. Her real name was extremely long so we all settled for Minnie.

It had been forever since we've gone out and done something fun and stress relieving.

I was already mentally planning an outfit (that would hopefully capture the eyes of someone cute) when I decided to leave.

The cafe was soon becoming crowded with students and the chattering grew louder and louder and I had absolutely no desire to study so I gathered my purse and books and decided to head out.

All the while still ignoring the constant buzzing of my phone or should I say my father.

Being at college and being almost 20, didn't excuse me from being yelled at and lectured by my parents like I was some freshman in high school who broke curfew.

My mother has always been way more chill than my father. She was always the one to talk him out of punishing me for things like this, so I hope she was working on that.

I may be the daughter of two surgeons but I wanted to make a name for myself, and having a father constantly looking over your shoulder and judging wasn't helping.

At a loss of what to do for the rest of the day I decided to take myself to the mall and do a little touch up on my wardrobe. I've been so busy with school i can literally wear the same exact outfit for weeks without realizing it, leggings and a long sleeve. Talk about basic. Along with my clothes being boring, I was running out of my favorite setting powder and I could probably always use a new foundation.

I walked out to the parking lot , which was by now more empty,  and threw myself into the warmth of the car.

As I drove I was careful to not pass the speed limit , definitely not wanting another ticket.

Arriving at the mall I was met with loud chatter and large crowds since the holiday season was fast approaching, reminding me that holiday shopping should be started soon. Shopping for a family that kinda had everything was honestly overly difficult and often left me frustrated.

I first stopped at an urban outfitters and took my time looking for new items. I tried on countless items but ended up with only a few. If I wanted to get out more, and maybe even do a little partying (as if I had time) I needed to expand my wardrobe.

One outfit that I choose ended up  being a black dress that was above the knee, the top was form fitting but the bottom was able to flow. The second was a body con that showed off my curves perfectly (my booty to be honest)

Another item I decided on was a pirate top that sinched at the bottom but the top was flowy.

Flowy clothes were the key to life as a future med student. Honestly flowy clothes were key to any life, first of they were comfy, second off they were perfect at hiding my food baby when I ate just a little too much around the holidays or such with friends.

I stopped to a few more shops, buying some more jeans, since my legging game was getting a little too strong, and while I was at it, I purchased a few sweatshirts that would hopefully motivate me to work out more in these cold days.

I was examining another dress in the mirror when my phone buzzed flashing Father.

I huffed but finally answered it.

"Amelia , do you know how long I've been trying to get a hold of you-"

Hey guys!
This was just sort of a filler to get to know Mia a little.

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