{chapter 27}

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Chapter song- Good for you -Selena Gomez


My freshman year of college was done and I passed all of my finals with flying colors.

The luxury of summer vacation was all I could think about, sleeping in, trips to the beach, late nights it all sounded amazing.

I laid in bed for a few minutes soaking in all my plans when I rolled to the side only to be met with an empty space and a note.

"Love you mama Mia, see you when I finish this shift." Was scribbled on the back of a receipt in Pheonixs messy handwriting.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. I could a have a Me Day, since those never hurt anyone I decided on.

I got up and washed/brushed my teeth and combed out my hair wrapping it in a high top knot which was extremely heavy on my head because all my hair, but it kept it tame so it was worth it.

I slipped on my normal jean highwaisted shorts and a slightly oversized v neck and grabbed my purse.

I loved warm weather because my outfits could be more simple yet fashionable.

The mall was a good place to start.

Being at home was basically the same as shopping, both my favorite places to be.

I couldn't help myself as I indulged in oversized Pink sweatshirts and adorable crop tops and boho shorts from American Eagle.

After filling my hands with new items I sat down at the food courts and pulled out my phone to text Nix.

"Please tell me you'll be home tonight." I typed and it was instantly read.

As I waited for a reply a hair salon caught my attention, a hair cut and different color would be nice.... My thought process was cut off by my phone dinging alerting me I had a message.

"How about we go out again, but this time Ill surprise you, so wear something a bit fancy." He replied making my stomach go giddy.

I quickly typed an ok and an I love you before i shoved my phone into a random bag and I began looking for an absolutely perfect outfit for tonight.

I wandered into a store and something hanging up immediately caught me eye.

It was a white crochet bralette type crop top and a gorgeous dusty yellow free floating maxi skirt.

My eyes widened and I immediately had the worker rush over to pluck my sizes off of the wall and I scurried off to the fitting rooms.

The top was snug and traveled a few inches past my chest, leaving a small area of my stomach bare until the skirt began.  I swirled around in my outfit and smiled with happiness.

This was the one. It made me feel sexy, yet cute all in one and that's exactly something I needed in my closet.

I took it off promptly and carefully and I swear I bounced to the cashier.

I paid for the outfit and checked my phone seeing I was cutting it close with time, because lord knows I take forever to get completely dressed.

As I was leaving the mall the hair salon caught my eye and I sighed, I so would have to get my hair done soon.

I rushed home, of course not above the speed limit because I absolutely did not have time for a pull over and a ticket today.

I got to our apartment and smiled nicely at the nice oldish doorman who tips his hat at me everytime I walk in and out.
"Looking lovely today." He added today making me smile wider.

"As do you look handsome." I complimented back making him have a smile.

It costs nothing to be nice and I always kept to remember that.

I didn't even take the elevator up because the excitement was pouring out of me so I opted for the stairs so I didn't have to wait.

I know we've been together for awhile , but I don't think I'll ever get over the excitement of going on dates with Phoenix. Whether he be wearing his uniform that was well fitted and made me drool, or any casual outfit that showed off his biceps that made me weak in the knees, I'll always be excited to see or go out with him.

Maybe this is what true love feels like.

Once I got to out apartment I waisted no time jumping into the shower and giving my body a good scrub with som lush coffee stuff and a smooth shave.

I carefully stepped out and made my way to the bed to do my 'sit in a towel on my bed until I'm basically dry' step in my getting ready process.

I scrolled through my social media feeds for a bit until I decided I was dry a enough and massaged a vanilla scented lotion into my skin to take away dryness and to smell good hopefully making my tan skin glow.

Next I left my hair to dry into its natural state which was extremely wavy or loosely curly whatever people wanted to label it.

I let it flow, only twisting the sides to meet in the back of my head. It was a boho type hair style I seen on Pinterest once.

My makeup just included the basic face makeup, concealer and a tinted face moisturizer and I chose to go with a nude matte lip to bring my whole looks together.

I opted against heels and went for nude wedges because they match literally everything and if I was going for the boho look the shoes would be perfect.

Once I was finally done I looked in our full length mirror proud of myself and feeling myself. After grabbing my phone off the charger I walked to our two person table and sat in a chair waiting for Nix to get home and began just doing little things like going through my pictures and stuff to pass time.

Eventually my phone died.

Because, he never came.

Yikes, I'll try to update the next chapter very soon!

How would you guys feel about a chapter from Phoenix's point of view?

This book is gonna get wild af

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