chapter 36

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Homework. That's all I feel I ever do. Homework has became a way of life at this point. I absolutely hate doing things last minute , so I simply look ahead at the syllabus and get to work.

Being an early riser, I woke up around 7, made a nice warm cup of coffee and got straight to work .

I looked at the clock and was slightly shocked and it was noon and I had worked for so long. I carefully closed my laptop and streched my joints while wandering back to the kitchen. I kept my fuzzy blanket around myself as I pondered what to eat for lunch. After going through the entire fridge I realized I would for sure have to take a trip to the grocery store sometime today or tomorrow. 

Realizing I had no other choice but to go out and buy food, I went to my shared room and slipped on some leggings and a "Seattle police " sweatshirt I may have or may not have taken from Nix.

I quickly grabbed my keys and headed down the stairs and hopped in my car, connecting my phone and swiping on Spotify.

I quickly tapped on Nix's phone number before putting the car into reverse.

"Hey Mi's whats up?" He spoke through the car

"Nothing in particular, want to get lunch? Im literally starving." I replied

"Yeah, I have one more call I need to finish up , where should I meet you? Actually text me where were going, I have to go." He spoke quickly hanging up.

I rolled my eyes but quickly voice texted him the address to the nearest Chili's. 

The traffic wasn't too bad, but it was the rain that was slowing everything down, but I kind of didn't mind because it would probably take Nix a bit longer to get there, and I wasn't a fan on sitting alone and waiting.

Finally I arrived and got out, looking for his black Rover, and when I didn't see it I quickly was able to spot his patrol crossover.

I hopped out sliding my jacket on before making my way inside looking for Nix. 

I quickly spotted him, even though he was faced the opposite way, his blue officer jacket gave it away. I made my way over to him and quickly slid into the booth across from him, in hopes on slightly making him jump.

Of course , he didn't , but he did give a small laugh before looking up.

When I seen his face I slightly gasped and my eyes widened. "What the hell? Are you ok?" I gushed taking in his stitched up lip. "When did this happen? You didn't have that when you left this morning." I continued to babble worriedly.

"I didn't want to worry you. Its only three stitches, an EMT did it on the spot." He tried to explain calmly. How he kept calm during these situations was beyond me.

"It's really fresh. Did it just happen?" I asked reaching across the table and grabbing his hand. 

"Yeah." He answered a bit nervously causing me to raise my eyebrows in confusion. "Well, I mean , when I told you I had one last call I was getting stitched up." He finally admitted.

I sat back and crossed my arms. "I don't get it. Why would you lie about that? I would call you if I was hurt and I would let you know." I tried to reason.

"I know Mia. Im sorry, I just didn't want to worry you, and I thought if I just told you in person you wouldn't get mad." He pleaded.

I was about be extremely rude and sarcastic when our waitress interrupted us with "What drinks can I get started today for you two?


"Come on Mia! I didn't think you would be this mad." Nix said jogging out after me, grabbing my hand in attempt to stop me.

"Im not mad ok? Im just upset. I don't like to be lied to." I explained as evenly as I could.

He let go of my hand and pulled me into a hug. "Im sorry. Very sorry. To make it up ill bring you home your favorite ice cream, and we can eat the night away watching movies or even doing other things." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"You're sick." I couldn't help by slightly laugh. "Alright, its a date. Be safe, I love you" I told him, reaching up to peck him on the lips.

I watched him get into his car and drive away giving me a small wave before I hopped back into mine, still feeling slightly frustrated .

I made it back home and one piece , definitely ready for a small power nap. 

While laying in bed I took the opportunity to send a few quick texts to my sister , asking her how she's doing, since its been a while since I've actually talked to her. Waiting for her to reply, I felt myself dozing off, into a nice light sleep.

I quickly shot up when I felt my phone buzzing uncontrollably. I seen it was Nix and quickly answered groggily "Whats up?"

"Ive been trying to call you for hours, you had me worried." He quickly breathed out.

"Yeah, I took a nap." I yawned still wondering what the point to this call was.

"Alright, so I was calling to tell you babe, our date will have to wait. I have to stay late and.." He tried to explain before I quickly cut him.

"Fine. I had other stuff to do anyways." I bitterly replied and hung up. I felt my face turn into a scowl as I angrily kicked his pillow off of the bed. I wasn't sure if it was because I just woke up and was grumpy or if it was because of my earlier anger but I quickly typed a text saying "I won't be home tonight, enjoy the house alone."

I angrily threw my phone down onto the bed and grabbed my black gym bag, and angirly started shoving some tees into it.

I was completely irritated with my boyfriend. Honestly a little part of me was over him. I love him deeply but that part of me was over his coming home crazy late, leaving crazy early, being constantly injured and the small white lies that seemed to be adding up.

I heard my phone buzz in the distance but I was too mad at everything to even care. I think truly my anger I was feeling was all pent up frustration. I just wanted my Nix home and safe snuggled in our bed.

Aften I heard my phone buzz for the millionth time I finally went and retrieved it from the other side of the bed.

"Mia,dont be like this."

"Come on babe"

"Amelia I don't do it on purpose its my job."

"look I know you're mad and I'm sorry, but don't leave. You can stay there and I understand you need space . I won't come home."

I sighed and set my phone down, sitting back down on the bed and burying my face in my hands.

Why can't life or love be simple.


SORRY! college is crazy and I have no excuse except for being busy lol!

thank you for sticking with story! I understand there are some plot holes, and I will be going back and editing some things , so feel free to ask me any questions! Love you all!



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