{chapter 19}

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"Come on , you can lean on me I got you." I told Phoenix as I helped him into our apartment after finally being able to come home late at night.

"I don't want to crush you." He said, his voice still raspy. He was wearing a soft cotton v neck and gray Nike sweats that on other occasions made me drool.

To be honest the damage on Phoenix was bad. The bruise on his jaw was still deep purple as were his ribs.

It made me sick, to think of how much pain he must of been in, but I focused on the now. He's ok now.

But a little voice in the back of my head changed it to for now.

He plopped down in our bed and let out a groan of relief. I slowly laid next to him after setting our bags on the floor, and ran my hands through his hair while he faced me.

"Never scare me like that again." I growled at him after a moment of silence.

"I'll try." He began. "I'm sorry what my dad said or did to you. Nick told me."

I shook my head at him tucked the blanket around us.

"Go to bed. I love you." I told him back and pressing my lips to his and letting them linger."Just worry about yourself getting better, someone around here has to do the heavy lifting."

It hurt his father was cold to me, but I knew I was a good person and I kept up hope he would come around, unlike my father who was hopeless, so I pretended it didn't phase me.

I felt the electricity flow through us and I felt amazing. Warmth spread through my body , giving me the chills at the same time. It was a strange feeling but it was utterly bliss.

Before long I heard his breathing deepen and even out letting me know he was asleep.

I sighed and closed my eyes comfortably letting my body relax and all of my worries flow away.
My eyes fluttered open when I heard rustling in our closet.

I groaned and tried to fall back asleep but I continued to hear it making me finally sit up groggily.

I chill swept through my body since it was still really early I wasn't sleeping in much, just a soft white v neck tee and my Victoria Secrets sleep shorts.

"Phoenix ?" I whisper yelled when I realized he wasn't beside me.

The rustling continued and Phoenix did not answer me, making my heart rate pick up incredibly.

I slowly stood up and grabbed the tall lap , (almost falling and breaking my back because I tried to take the lamp with me even though it was still plugged into the wall) that was besides our bed and as quietly as possible made my way over to the closet.

I decided to put my Criminal Minds and Law & Order skills to use and try to get the jump on whoever was in my closet.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath  with my heart pounding loudly in my ears before sliding the closet door open and getting a firmer grip on my lamp ready to swing it wildly.

I definitely wouldn't go down without a fight.

The door opened and I screamed seeing a dark tall figure but the figure screamed back.

I flicked on the lights to see only Phoenix.

"Holy shit. You almost gave me a heart attack!" I yelled at him both surprised and relieved.

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