{chapter 4}

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(Outfit is Mia's clubbing outfit)

"Dammit" I cursed myself as I burnt my index finger curling my hair.

"Mia you ought to be more careful." Minnie said under her breathe, too busy trying to align her eyebrows perfectly after like the third try.

I stayed concentrated on my last curl and cheered at myself once it fell in with the rest. It's been ages since I've actually done my hair up. I fluffed it at the roots a bit before mentally approving. I wanted a break from my natural curls so I opted for straightening my hair then curling it for a more sexy and controlled look.

I walked over to my bed and slipped off my cozy pajama pants and replaced them with my new little black dress. The dress was black and tight, crossing in my midsection to show off skin, and make my boobs look great. The only issue was that it was so tight even breathing made the material stretch.

It was one of the things I picked out on my last shopping spree and I saved it for a perfect night.

"Mama Mia you look hot!" Minnie whistled turning around too look me up and down.

"I better look hot, I'm coming to slay these other tricks " I replied sitting down on my bed to strap on my heels and laughing.

I could always joke around and have so much fun with Minnie, one of the five million reasons I love her to death.

I wasn't 21 yet, and neither was Minnie but being in college you learn to get connections in the form of fake identifications and older men.

Minnie finally emerged from my bathroom wearing a short red dress with black wedges.  Her dress wasn't as tight as mine , it had a a flowy bottom, but it was definitely shorter.

I stood up, growing a few inches from the heels.

"Ready?" She asked and I grabbed my wallet, checking it to make sure I had everything I needed and she smiled happily that her eyebrows were sharp and no longer looking like sharpie marks.


"Oh my god you know a security guard that works here?!" I said gasping looking up at the club we were about to enter with excitement.

It was a few story's high and had a rooftop where lights were visibly flashing and people dancing could be seen through the glass the surrounded the top. The Animal was printed in dark bold holly wood style letters across the front and there were hoards of people littering the streets around the club and walking up and down the streets.

I could already feel the bass of the music pounding through the floors, making my blood rush with energy.

The club was a massive establishment whew many famous celebrities have been photographed when they come to Seattle.The line went around block, filled with people that hoped to get lucky and get in.

"Yeah, remember Jeremy? The most amazing guy I met? He totally has the hookup here." She smiled and grabbed my hand.

Minnie led me to front of the line, where we continued to get extremely dirty looks and scoffs from the hopefuls, and other girls who were just as nicely as we were.

"Jer-Bear! This is the girl Mia I was telling you about." Minnie introduced me to Jer-Bear.

Jeremy was a good 6'3 and had black hair and was very muscular.

He stuck out his hand and shook mine in a firm grasp that if it was any tighter he probably would have completely crushed my arm bone.

"This way." Was all he said before letting us through the rope that let us enter the club, without checking I.D or anything. I was too stunned for a second to even follow until Minnie pinched me and brought me back to this world.

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