{chapter 7}

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A/n please check out my amazing friend thefiercequeen , her two current books are literally amazing and you'll love them.

(Mia's Outfit above)


My classes were killing me. The work was insane and it was constant. This whole past week I've pulled at least three all nighters to attempt to get work done that was assigned that day.

Of course on the first day back, Minnie wanted to know every detail and I of course provided them to her.

Her only responses being "But Mia he sounds sooo hot." when I tried to explain how rude Phoenix was and how hot and cold he can be.

When Friday finally came around I was able to collapse with relief and happily try to catch up with Greys Anatomy.

Sitting in my couch , comfortable in a pair of leggings and a T-shirt, I was able to happily eat my weight in popcorn, it actually hit me.

Phoenix was picking me up at tomorrow at around six.

He hasn't called or even gave me a heads up this event was still going on , so was it? I haven't even thought of any possible outfit ideas. Then again, I didn't even have his number to text him about it. Was there a dress code? Is it going to be cold? Fancy? Casual?

Another large question is why did he even invite me, I hardly know the guy.

My relaxing evening turned into a pile of stress that carried on all the way to Saturday afternoon.

I sat on my closet floor stressing about my lack of clothing that was comfortable yet cute.

My stress level shot up about an hour before Phoenix was supposed to arrive,when i heard the familiar buzz of my apartment doorbell.

I groaned at whatever neighbor it probably was coming to complain about my parking or whatever, as that commonly happened and I was genuinely shocked when it was Phoenix.

He was dressed in tan pants with a grey button up, with a dark peacoat covering it, matched with a pair of dark gloves.

His features were sharp as always and I'd be a liar if I said it didn't make my knees weak a little.

"Hey." was all he said while i stood there in my flowy cropped baseball tee and grey sweats, looking like a goblin that's just seen the light for the first time.

I snapped my head around to look at the clock that was placed on my living room wall.

"Um it' not time to go yet." Was all I was able to squeak out.

Phoenix looked unamused. "Obviously. I can tell time. I came by early to make sure you didn't forget."

I shook my head , still in shock. "Um well come in." I said stepping aside, and allowing him into my space, that I thank godly had cleaned not too long ago.

He had no problem walking in and obviously judging everything. He walked straight up to my small stand beside the coach and picked up a family portrait.

He examined it and I waited for him to make some snide remark, but he didn't. He simply set it down and stared at me.

"Ok, here." I said grabbing the remote and putting the t.v on him for him. "I'm going to go finish getting ready." I said quickly before turing back to my bedroom.

The panic to get ready and wear an appropriate outfit grew even higher as ripped through my closet looking for something semi formal.

I smiled when I came across a white high waisted skirt  that had buttons going down the front,I hardly get to wear due to the weather. To match it I grabbed a body hugging maroon skirt and my tan knee high boots.

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