{chapter 33}

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"Want anything to eat? I can go to the cafeteria and get you a sandwich? Or I'll leave and get you something , what's that place you like? Wendy's?" My dad asked rubbing his hand against mine.

I smiled softly. It's been like this for the few days I've been here, under observation.

"No, it's ok dad, really." I tried to say but it was a lost cause.

"I'll be back as soon as possible." He interrupted , pushing away from the bed and grabbing my mothers hand as she continued to weep.

After they left, Phoenix entered my room where I could tell he was crying because of his red rimmed eyes and blotchy cheeks.

He took the spot my dad had said nothing as he looked at his boots, since he was still in uniform.

"I'm ok." I said softly and he still said nothing.

"Phoenix , really-" he cut me off by slamming his hand on the rail of my bed making me let out a little scream and jump.

"I should of been there." He said through clenched teeth, tears welling up again.

I sighed. "No, nothing could of stopped this from happening. If not me, then it would of been another innocent girl and maybe she wouldn't of been as lucky." I tried to explain.

He shook his head, the tears now falling freely. "You don't understand! I could of been home early but I chose to finish filing one more document for my case."

I sighed and leaned my head back. Utterly exhausted.

"Phoenix. The more you try to blame yourself, the more it takes out of me because it's not your fault." I said with a frustrated sigh.

He just bit him bottom lip and looked down.

I suddenly sat up and threw my blankets off.

"Mia, you need to rest." Phoenix began and I rolled my eyes so far back in my head there was a possibility they wouldn't roll back.

"You guys are treating me like I'm incapable of anything. Yes it happened. Yes I'm scared. Yes it will take a while for me to feel safe again. But I need normality back like right away. Every time you guys baby me or blame yourselves ,I get flashed with imagines of me hiding defenseless in a fucking closet." I seethed at him, walking to a bag I assume Phoenix packed me, since I didn't do it myself.

I slipped on some cropped leggings and a hoodie with my college logo while he stood quietly.

"Ok." He said quietly.

I ignored him while throwing my hair in bun, leaving some baby hairs down in attempt to look some what cute but it was pointless. Laying down for a few days straight can definitely cause one to look a bit busted.

"Hurry up then, we need to get on the road." He spoke again, and this time I turned to look and see he had a small smirk on his face.

I raised an eyebrow at him but he said nothing except he swooped me off my feet, literally.

"Oh my god! Nix!" I couldn't help but giggle , even though I tried to sound angry,dropping the items in my hand expect for my phone.

I definitely still felt annoyed and after sassing him out I planned on a silent treatment , but by being charming he was making that very hard.

He continued to carry me past the front desk where my cheeks flamed as the nurses chuckled.

"Here, give these to her parents when they come back, tell them we'll be back as soon as possible." He told the main girl at the desk, handing them our apartment keys.

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