chapter 40

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Important note at end PLEASE READ.

I breathed in the warmer air as I walked out of my last class of the day which was sadly an extremely long lab that left me exhausted. I caught ,myself in the reflection and scrunched up my natural curls an made sure my foundation and lipstick were still looking pretty good.

I clicked on my phone to see I had a zero texts but a few social media notification. I sighed as I opened my Instagram and scrolled through my own feed, looking at pictures of Nix and I smiling goofily, or pictures of him sleeping and even eating. There was very little of that these days. He was never home and worked long hours, or to be honest I don't even know if he was actually working or just trying to avoid me. Whenever we seen each other it wasn't pleasant and filled with many under the breath snide comments. He was honestly back to the same Nix, he was earn I first encountered him.

I was craving a smoothie from a shop Pheonix once took me that was located in the downtown area, so thats where I decided to go once I reached my car in the parking garage.

After mild traffic, I found parking and walked into the smoothie shop , where as usual it was crowded and the line was long. I opted for going back on my phone while I waited until a familiar voice sent an annoyance of chills down my spine.

I turned and seen my one and only boyfriend, if I should even call him that these days , walk in with three other officers and smiling and laughing. There was about three people behind me in line, so they weren't directly behind me but I didn't take any chances so I kept my back to them and my head down , lost in all the texts I don't get.

"Thats her?" I heard one whisper in thick hispanic accent.

I cursed myself but didn't turn around, even though I was annoyed at Nix for saying anything.

"Shut up." he mummered , followed by more whispering.

I tried to block it all out until one officer cut the line and stood right next to me, startling me slightly.

"Grant. But they call me Gio because its cooler" He stated reaching his hand out to shake mine. We got a few looks as people were confused as to why an officer was introducing himself to me.

"Mia. But you already know that." I stiffly replied , but still shaking his hand.

"So whats up with you and the kid? Ive only known you for about 30 seconds but man, you two are similar." He whistled glaring back at a red faced and unhappy looking Nix.

"I mean, no offense or anything but I find it slightly rude you know all about our relationship issues." I replied annoyed that Nix has the whole Seattle police department knowing the struggles of our relationship.

"None taken." he shrugged. "He was wreck before you don't get me wrong, but now he's even more so without you." he casually stated as we moved up a spot in line.

I just hummed in response , happy Nix felt some type of way in this messed up situation.

"Don't tell him I told you. I mean It was my idea , but tonight he is going to text you and ask to take you out on a date so you guys can actually talk everything out. Say yes for all of our sakes please. Were all sick of him coming into work with red eyes and an attitude from lack of sleep." he chuckled slightly.

"Alright." I shrugged, not wanting to show I was slightly happy to finally get everything I've wanted to say off my chest good and bad.

"That was easy." He shrugged glancing back at his boys , this time I didn't bother looking.

Gio moved forward in line with me up the register. "Whatever the lady wants."He motioned towards me handing the man his card.

I smiled softly and ordered by drink, of coursing thanking Gio and taking berry flavored smoothie, walking back out of the shop.

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