Chapter 1: Rose

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The sound of trotting horses nearby broke Emmeline from her reverie. Her eyes a blue so deep, peered up at her surroundings. Luxurious, spaced town houses lined along the left of her. A wide cobblestone road filled the gap between the houses and the park, with carriages clattering above it. The clack of her boots stopped as the cry of a child came from the baby carriage. Her slender fingers gripped the cradle as she leaned in, her tawny brown curls escaped from underneath her cap. The baby girls' hair was the colour of honey. Her chubby face replicated her mothers and her eyes were as brown as sienna. Emmeline scooped up Annemarie and rocked her until she fell asleep.

She leaned in to the carriage and placed the now peaceful Annemarie into her carriage. Emmeline continued straight until she reached a tall house with large narrow windows. Her boots trudged through the petite pebbled courtyard and passed the extravagant angel fountain. She stopped at the bottom of a small wooden staircase.

The distinct voice of Lady Belrose drifted out of an open window above her. Emmeline lifted up the child, carrying her up the stairs to the heavy wooden door. Her hand pressed hard on a small button next to the knob, echoing a tune throughout the house.

A slender women carrying a baby stood in the doorway. Her hair had snuck out of its bun. There were Multiple stain marks upon the once white apron of her uniform, a small tear grew from the sleeve of her black floor length cotton dress. Her orange eyes scanned Emmeline. "Emmeline! You look ghastly, what happened? That's not important, please go and wash up for dinner" She spoke. The woman's hand patted Emmeline encouragingly on the back. Emmeline glanced at her uniform, she had not realised how filthy she had gotten from the walk in the park, she thought to herself as she moved in to the foyer. Her dress and laced apron were dirty and covered in soot. "Thank you Mary." She brushed passed her and walked inside.

A grand staircase that was off centre faced her, a crystal chandelier dangling in the middle of the room. Two tables rested on either side of the stairs, both holding delicate vases with an assortment of flowers. Emmeline walked up the wooden staircase clutching Annemarie firmly to her chest. Her laced up leather boots clicked against each step. She stood up onto the first landing. She found herself surrounded by panelled doors. She disliked Lady Belrose, but her taste in style was no comparison. The Belrose house had a decorated upstairs. A detailed gold and blue wallpaper, with an elegant pink painted cornice to match. The floor was a dark maroon wood with a long narrow Persian rug laid upon it. Lady Belrose loved art and so she made sure that their was expensive artwork all around the house, including the first landing. Five portraits of fruit and landscapes lined each spare wall.

A door to the right of Emmeline held the nursery, It was customised for the Belrose twins Annemarie and Madeline. Previously being owned by the eldest of Lady Belrose's children. The door opposite Emmeline held a grand bedroom, for fifteen year old Margaret. The landing also had a library, it stood behind a door that neighboured Margaret's. Emmeline had visited the library when she finished her services or on some occasions caught ill. The library, spacious and sophisticated, was filled with large mahogany bookcases. Maroon studded armchairs sat in the centre of the room. The library provided literature a scholar would die for. And at the end of the corridor was Lady Belrose's quarters, equipped with a four poster bed, detailed vanity and a large ornate wardrobe.

Emmeline clutched Annemarie and pushed the door open to the nursery. A grand fireplace that held porcelain dolls on its mantle, stood between two large windows. The windows had thick forest green curtains, and in front of these windows stood two bassinets, trimmed with fine lace, pink bows and a draping of silk. A large armchair sat in the corner of the room, Mary usually occupied the chair, due to her duty as wet-nurse. The rooms creamed floral wallpaper clashed horribly with the dark wood. Emmeline was not very fond of it. She moved over to one of the vacant bassinets, slowly she tucked Annemarie underneath her covers. The child did not stir. Emmeline tiptoed to the grand fireplace, and kneeled down in front of it, her uniform crumpling underneath her.

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