Chapter 21: A vessels sacrifice

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Emmeline's coughed and spluttered and her eyes lowered to her stomach. The scarlet and pearlescent blood filtered down her thighs and swirled around her body in a glistening pond. All that surrounded her were tainted by the flowing liquid.

The woman still felt pressure increase in her pelvis.

Endersene was quick to Emmeline's side. Her orders blurred as they reached her ears.

"I can feel it, Endersene..." Her body contracted and pushed the creature onwards.

"Why is she not healing? She has healed from wounds before?" Theodore queried, his eyes darting to Fayear.

Jasper retorted, "Iron, wrought iron is what stops the process for angels." His tone had fallen monotone.

He could feel his heart beating and his stomach filling with a progressing ache.

He couldn't bare to look at her fading eyes, the stars and the moon were disappearing before his sight.

His dirtied sleeves fell into the puddle as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the handkerchief. "Emmeline we will get you back home, I promise," he said bending down and wiping a stream of blood from her lips. Her eyes searched for him, but never found him. Jasper stood up and turned to Fayear.

The trench coat rustled as the elvenix turned to the approaching man, he too did not want to interfere with Endersene's magic.

He could already feel it at work, hopefully the damage wasn't to extensive.

"It is hard to watch isn't it, especially someone you care for...someone you love," Fayear admitted, his mind reflecting back on his past.

Jasper's eyes flicked to the ground and his jaw clenched, "Can we get her back to our house? She needs a place of comfort. I do not want her dying in the place where it all began for her," Jasper said, his tone desperate.

Fayear stood and cocked his head to the side. This boy made him smile how much he cared for Miss Blair, deeper than that of Theodore. It somehow reminded him of himself at a period of time.

"Impossible, Emmeline can not be moved in her state. She is haemorrhaging incredibly and her wounds may be deeper than we anticipated."

Sadness flickered across the young mans face, and the whites of his knuckled appeared against his pink flesh. Anger loomed in the phoenix. His power vibrated off him.

Fayear stepped forward and clutched the man's shoulders. He returned to reality, "Jasper Emmeline did this for a reason, you need to respect that. Do not let her die in vain now," Fayear informed and his caramel skin turned back to Emmeline.

Jasper's body faded from the elvenix's grip and disappeared from his view.

"You need to stay with me Emmeline," Endersene fretted, clutching her hands upon the delivered creature.

It had been so deformed that Endersene could not make out any shape of a human, other than its torso, legs and arms. Endersene gagged and quickly shoved the creature to the hands of Fayear who quickly disposed of it, his magic to still ripe in upon his fingertips.

Her grey eyes returned to midnight, barely a star left in the once shimmering sky.

Blood continued to seep from Emmeline, an array of whites, reds and copper. The woman paled further.

"I never imagined that I would die here," she gave an abrupt laugh and fell into sudden silence. Her faint smile drifted up to Endersene and Theodore. How hard they worked to save her. She did not need saving she had accomplished what needed to be done. Emmeline sucked in a weak breath and let the shadows capture her soul; the darkness ensnaring her senses. The cold body fell limp in Theodore's arms. The chocolate curls tangling themselves in the fold of his waistcoat, the braid completely unrecognisable. The lilac smoke filtered through the air dispersing into nothing, Endersene abandoned her post and went to work checking Emmeline's pulse.

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