Chapter 8: A blue nightmare

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Emmeline edged closer to the shadowed figure, the click of her heels echoed through out the room.

"I know why you are here, Miss Blair." Thomas relaxed back into the shelf, his arms crossing high over his chest. His reptilian green eyes glared at her, a malicious grin forming over his mouth. Emmeline's feet drew to a halt, metres from Thomas.

"Something is occurring within your body, isn't it?" he said, his eyes scanning over her body.

Emmeline remained silent, except the beating heart beneath her chest. The blue eyes concentrated on Thomas, who had removed himself from the shelf. The pulsing within her veins increased as he edged closer.

"I know you want answers," came his voice. He moved swift and fast, wrapping his hands around her curved waist. Thomas's left hand drew up to her face, brushing a cold finger over her rosy cheek. She shivered under his touch.

"I want to know what is wrong with me," she said through clenched teeth, her fists clenching at her sides. She turned her head as he pressed up closer to her body. Emmeline felt uncomfortable, but something within her enjoyed his fingers gliding over her cheek, and his hand around her waist provided a sense of comfort to her. She felt his breath in her ear as he spoke, "Well in order for you to discover that, you must join I and the new dawn of course," he whispered, sliding a hand into his pocket, his other hand however remained tight on her waist.

"What do you mean come with you?" Emmeline could feel the adrenalin increasing within her.

Her head pulled away from Thomas. She were too late, the syringe gripped within his fingertips were thrust into the vein her neck. His thumb pushed down, causing the liquid to enter further into her blood. The floor began to swirl beneath her feet. Pain struck her chest, she doubled over, her knees buckling under her weight. Emmeline rolled in pain, the blue liquid flowing beneath her skin. "Embrace it Emmeline!" He shouted, his voice echoing throughout the house. The tips of his leather spats fell across from her body, his dark eyes glowed with triumph

"What have you done to me!" She cried.

Thomas swaggered up to the threshold, stopping he turned toward her, "In time my dear, in time." He turned on his heel and left her helpless on the floor. Emmeline let out a choked scream as the chemical began to consume her. Her vision blurred until all was black. The pain extinguished.


Her eyes drifted in and out of focus, as she awoke. The pale cheek separated from the littered floor, her long hair falling down her back as she sat up. Emmeline remained stationary upon the floor, she were in no condition to rise. By the time she had moved off the floor oranges and pinks had begun to puncture the once blue sky. Emmeline lifted her self gingerly from the floor, her skirts dragged along the cold wood as she righted herself up into a standing position. A hand fell upon the shelves of the bookcase. The entrance to the library creaked, the big injured eyes peered up from the floor. A figure stood in the doorway, his scruffy blonde hair swayed in the sunsets draught. Emmeline edged closer, her eyes widening at the man standing before her.

"Peter!" She gasped, her hand hovering inches from her mouth, "I thought you perished with the Belrose's." Emmeline removed the hand, reaching it out to touch the figure before her, it were too later the figure had vanished in the wind. She must be hallucinating, Peter was dead. Emmeline stumbled into the hallway. Her boots fell short of the door. She craned her head over her shoulder, her eyes falling at the devastated foyer, for one last look. She vowed to herself that her body were never to enter there again.

The whitened knuckles rapped softly upon the door, the pale girl glanced down at her feet and waited patiently for an answer. Emmeline stood, continuing to breathe away the pain. A sudden wave of agony chorused throughout her insides, Her hand splayed upon the door as she doubled over expelling blood from her mouth. Emmeline glanced down a speck of white had appeared upon the sea of red. The girl's eyes widened. Emmeline whipped her head up as the door broke away from its frame.

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