Chapter 7: A tear for a rose

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Jasper's body peeled away from the cream sheets. His feet pulled away from the bed. Jasper drew up his hand to his eyes, wiping the sleep from each. He lent over the bed and pulled his white shirt from the mass tangle of blankets. It slid over his muscular frame. His fingers played with each button, his braces soon to follow over his defined shoulders. With a hasty sweep of fingers through his hair he exited his quarters and eased his way toward the rail of the staircase. His shoes hit each step as they descended the steep staircase.

Jasper turned his head, his fiery eyes darting toward the pouting Theodore, "Theodore? What are you doing?" Theodore lifted himself off of the dining room chair at the sound of Jasper's silvery voice.

His long legs glided toward the staircase, joining Jasper.

"Its better if you rest dear friend" Theodore placed a firm hand upon his back, ushering Jasper back up the stairs.

"Theodore I can take care of myself. Wait Where is Emmeline?" he asked craning his head around Theodore.

"She is not of your worry Jasper. I think you should get some rest," Theodore said trying desperately to avoid the subject of Emmeline.

Jasper raised his thick eyebrows, placing a hand upon The shoulder of Theodore. Jasper knew that Theodore was acting strange, "What are you not informing me?" He asked. Theodore remained silent his body stank of guilt, "Theodore," he said sternly and pushed past him.

"Wait! Miss Blair left," Theodore spoke in a hushed voice. His hazel eyes stared on as Jasper turned around sharply, facing him.

Jasper looked incredulous, "What did you say? She left? Why would she leave?" His body tensed.

Theodore remained silent and continued to fiddle with a bronze button on his emerald green waistcoat.

"Theodore answer me, that's all I ask." Jasper edged closer toward him. Theodore tried to avoid Jasper's harsh glare.

"I spoke words that upset her, all right!" Theodore said throwing up his arms and retreating upstairs. Jasper gripped Theodore's arm and pulled him back before he could step any further.

"And you let her go!" He said through gritted teeth, his hair laying in an untamed mess on his head.

A fragile hand landed upon the glass window beside the front door. A scarlet smear was left upon it's transparent surface, catching Theodore's attention. His eyes grew wide, his heart dropping down to his stomach. Jasper noticed, his train of eye sight following it to where the smeared handprint lay.

"Is that...." Jasper trailed off, his big red and gold eyes stared worriedly at the hand. He did not want to believe it.

"Blood" Theodore finished his sentence, coming to a stop beside him. "It's not hers don't worry about it Jasper," Theodore reassured.

Emmeline's chest rose and fell rapidly, her body sprawled out upon the hard pebbles of the courtyard. A trail of blood from her inner arm seeped around her wrist. The grey stones below were stained as each drop fell. Her tangled curls brushed over the rocked surface, her face turned toward the menacing man standing over her. His fingers clawed at her naked throat. Her boots hovered above the ground her hem of her gown brushed across each stone. The man had removed her from the ground and now held her limp body in the air.

"What d-do you want from me?" She sputtered. The man threw her across the courtyard. The cast iron fence catched her. The silken skin was penetrated by one of the pointed poles, Impaling straight through her abdomen. Blood poured from her wounds, forming a petite pool beneath her weak body.

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