Chapter 14: A rose or a dab of poison

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Emmeline's fingers hovered over the brass handle, her head lifted to stare at the wooden door. The veins of her body begun to ignite, sponging up the orange medicine Fayear had given her. The agony filtered through her limbs sending her staggering to the window sill, silken strands of chocolate floated in front of her deep blue eyes.

A rumble came from behind her, the door rustled on it's hinges. Her eyes remained focused, the pupils watching the snowflakes litter the front garden and the fur of the pine trees.

The soft, slim fingers tensed into fists, her lips clenching as a wave of pressure pricked at her stomach and heart. The deep eyes glanced up, moving violently around their sockets. It was happening again...the hallucinations. The bed melted away like a dream, the wooden door distorting and filtered away as if it were floating among the waters within her basin.

A subtle, soothing voice caressed her ear drums and caused her heart beat to slow down. The swift billowing of emerald taffeta encased Emmeline's fragile frame as she staggered toward the figure standing amongst a pool of bitter roses.

"Margaret," Emmeline's voice whispered, its sound extinguished immediately by the harsh atmosphere.

The women's emerald dress continued to catch on the claws of each gnarled stem. Her slim fingers strangled at the necklace encircling her pale neck, fidgeting with its charm. The mud and snow licked boots continued to move forward as if possessed by the sudden appearance of Margaret's body.

Emmeline progressed further, her chest slamming into a barrier. The gentle eyes watched at the imprisoned women, her head tilted up.

"Emmeline, it is good to see you again." The sweet muslin gown swept at Margaret's ankles, her fair hair swirling in the breeze.

The young women looked up, her palms resting upon the invisible wall, "Why can't I reach you?"

"You have matured so much Emmeline, I am proud of what you have done," Margaret said.

The pale hands clenched into fists, pressing up against the hard encasing of the wall, "You shouldn't be," Emmeline's blue eyes glared up in disgust, "I am the reason you were murdered, it's because of what I am...what I will become."

The stained fingertips slid down the smooth barrier, drifting down and encircling themselves around a thorned rose.

"Do not say that! You weren't the reason behind my death," The fair haired women exclaimed, looking agitated.

"Margaret you are so young, a life waiting for your arrival...I am sorry," Emmeline said, her words diminishing as they parted ways with her lips.

"Do not pity me Emmeline Blair, my time to take deaths grip was then, you need to let me go. I believe in you."

The dark petals separated from the bud, floating through the barrier. The gentle breeze carried the flowers flesh and drifted it around Margaret's soul.

A tender hand outstretched catching the petal from Emmeline's rose, "Just remember I believe that you can do this, you are a women of pure strength and resilience... I love you Emmeline remember that,"

A rumble continued at the door, sending a ripple through the rose strewn garden and Margaret's body.

"I will...goodbye my dear friend," Emmeline said, backing away from the barrier, her deep eyes focused on the soft face. The fair hair melted away, the roses under her feet disappearing like ghosts in the light.

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