Journal three doesn't like me

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  Scarlett POV:

   After the mystery shack I went to the diner and ordered some food for dinner. The rest of the night was uneventful a.k.a not being attacked by any monsters or triangle demons.

    The next day I was sitting in a tree at the park, reading. I saw my mom jog by but I didn't say anything, and no it's not because I snuck out of the house or anything I just didn't want anyone to know I was there.
I was just finishing a chapter when a book fell out of the sky hitting me on the head and almost knocking me out of the tree. After making sure I had my balance I looked down to see what had hit me, it was journal 3. I was really confused until I heard someone call from higher up in the tree. When I looked up I saw Dipper.

    I smiled and said "I guess the journal doesn't like me very much."

    Dipper started climbing down the tree (honestly with his athletic prowess I don't even know how he got up). I got down before him and grabbed the book handing it to him when he got down.

   "What are you reading about, or are you just flipping through the journal?" I asked when Dipper got down.

    "Oh I was just looking through the book, nothing in particular." Dipper replied.

   "So, can I ask why you were in a tree?" I said.

   "Um, no reason. I might ask you the same question." Dipper said. There was definitely a reason but I wasn't going to press.

   "I was reading my book and I like sitting in trees being able to see everyone but not really being seen myself." I said. "I'm like that kid on the most bus who sits by themselves reading there book silently."

    "If it wasn't for Mabel I'd probably be that kid too, she's constantly dragging me out of my comfort zone." Dipper said.

   "You and your sister must be really close, I don't think I've ever seen siblings get along as well as you and Mabel." I sad with a sad smile.

  "Yeah me and Mabel have always been together, best friends. You don't have any siblings?" Dipper asked.

  "Well when my mom got married I got a step brother but our relationship is well, it's complicated." I said not knowing how our wanting to explain.

   "That's ok you don't need to explain." Dipper said. "You want to come back to the mystery shack with me?"

   "Sure, thanks." I said composing myself.

Dipper POV:

   Hmm... I wonder what Scarlett meant by complicated, I know I said she didn't need to elaborate but now I'm curious.

    Scarlett and I walked to the mystery shack discussing Pythagorean theorem and the the square roots of negative numbers. I'm amazed Scarlett understands all of what I'm saying but it's kind of nice being able to talk to someone was the same intelligence (no offense to Mabel or anyone else of course).

    As Scarlett and I walked up to the mystery shack, I saw Soos hammering away on the side side of the house.

   "Hey Soos." I said.

  "Oh hey dudes." Soos replied.

   "Soos this is me and Mabel' s friend, Scarlett." I said introducing Scarlett to Soos.

   "Nice to me cha' Scarlett. Handy man of the mystery shack at your service." Soos replied.

   "It's nice to meet you too." Scarlett said.

   "See you later Soos." I said leaning Scarlett inside.

  I brought Scarlett over to the gift shop where Wendy was, I figured since she just met Soos she may as well meet Wendy.

   "Hey Wendy." I said.

   "Oh hey Dipper, how's it going?" Wendy said taking her head out of her magazine.

  "Good. This is my friend Scarlett." I said.

  "Nice to meet you Wendy." Scarlett said.

   "You too." Wendy said nodding to Scarlett. At that moment a customer walked up to the register. "See you guys later." Wendy said.

Scarlett POV:

    I am an antisocial introverted book nerd who can't even be introduced to someone without being awkward. When Dipper introduced me to Soos and Wendy I felt like curling up and hiding in a corner. Not that Soos and Wendy weren't nice I just felt so awkward meeting them. Gah, people. I don't really feel this way around all people just like 99% of them.

    Anyway, after introducing me to Wendy and Soos, Dipper and I went outside and just kind of stood there awkwardly. I tried to find something to say by asking about some of the monsters in the book that he and Mabel had seen which seemed to do the trick, wow Dipper seems to really trust me now. It's kind of amazing how far he completely switched around.

   Soon after Dipper started talking, the old man with the fez who Dipper called gruncle Stan called Dipper to do some chores or something. Dipper said goodbye and I left deciding to walk through the woods instead of going right back into town.

   The woods were nice, it's strange sometimes I love Maria and others I absolutely hate it. Nothing weird happened, no proposing gnomes or monsters to be seen. It was... peaceful. After walking for a bit I decided that I would just climb a tree here and read instead of going back to the park (although the trees in the park were way easier to climb).

    Hello humans,

It is I, the (not so) evil mind demon hanji13

Ok so it may not seem like so much is happening right now but trust me I got this (kind of) all planned out. Anyway it will be great. SHOUT OUT TO "gravityfallslover618" for being the first person to add my book to their library. Ok so code time 19-3-1-18-12-5-20-20'-19  6-9-18-19-20  14-1-13-5 9-19 3-25-14-20-8-9-1,  19-3-1-18-12-5-20-20  9-19  8-5-18 13-9-4-4-12-5 14-1-13-5. Remember to pm me if you decide it.also the video is deCipher and it's a Bill Cipher inspired song which I love so check it out. REALITY IS FAKE THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM BUY GOLD BYYYEEEE!


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