Welcome to Gravity Falls

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Scarlett POV:

I ran through the woods not knowing if I was running away or towards, I was just running when I reached the edge of the clearing, I stopped, panting. Despite the challenge of breathing I realized I was smiling, smiling wider then I ever had before.

I looked into the clearing and saw a building. The building was old and the paint was chipping but there was a group of people standing outside waiting for something.

An old man with a fez walked out and said "Welcome to the Mystery shack folks! Please no flash photography and no refunds! Now if you follow me you'll see..."

I snuck into the group sticking towards the back, wow this place really is a tourist trap. After a painful tour through a bunch of glued together attractions, I entered the gift shop where there was a bunch of over priced junk being sold. Why did I even sneak into this tour?

I left the mystery shack and walked back toward the woods. As I walked through the woods everything calm tranquil until two kids; a boy and a girl, siblings by the looks of it; came barreling towards me being chased by eye balls with bat wings. I wished I could do something but I couldn't so I just started running with those other two when the swarm came closer.

They ran back to the mystery shack and closed the door as soon as we were all in. I could here the the wings pounding against the mystery shack but I don't think they were getting in anytime soon. As we all stood there bent over and panting, the boy seemed to notice that they didn't know me.

"Hi I'm Scarlett, Scarlett Phicre." I said standing up straight having gotten my breath back.

"I'm Dipper Pines and this is Mabel." The boy said. "Um, so do you want an explanation or..."

"Uh yeah, sure an explanation would be good." I said.

Dipper replied "Uh so yeah you see-"
"ThosethingwereeyeballswithbatwingsandtherearetonsofmonsterslikethatinGravityFallsandDipperhasabookonallofthem!" Mabel said rapidly in an excited manner. (If you couldn't read that it said " Those things are eyeballs with bat wings and there are tons of monsters like that in Gravity Falls and Dipper has a book on all of them!")

I had a look of surprise and overwhelmingness on my face.

"Mabel!" Dipper screeched. He then face palmed himself and sighed exasperated. "Well what Mabel said I guess is pretty good summary but that's all I'm saying."

"Ok, I guess I can see why, I mean you only met me about six minutes ago." I said understandingly. "I mean trust no one am I right?"

Dipper' s head snapped toward me eyeing me suspiciously.

"Um did I say something?" I asked.

"No it's nothing never mind." Dipper said turning away shaking his head.


"Don't mind him, he's just paranoid of everyone." Mabel said with a goofy and mocking looking face.

"Hehe yeah..." I said.

Awkward silence followed. I felt like we had been standing there forever when Mabel broke the silence.

"So are you new to town?"

"What? Oh yes. My mom just moved into town." I said. I don't know why I always say what even if I did here them.

"So things like this happen often?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, all the time." Mabel said casually.

"Well this has been great but me and Mabel really need to do something." Dipper cut in.

"Ok well I guess I'll see you later." I said with an awkward wave.

"Ok bye!" Mabel said waving happily as I left.

I started walking away towards town. I like those two. I think we could be good friends, and although Dipper doesn't trust me I feel like him and me would get along well, he seems smart and I can tell he loves mysteries. Oh well, maybe he'll trust me at some point.

Hello humans,

I am the (not so) evil, mind demon, hanji13

So how do you like the story? If you like it I'll have you dream of cookies or pigs, your choice. Anyway, like and follow and remember REALITY IS FAKE THE UNIVERSE IS AN HOLOGRAM BUY GOLD BYYYYEEEEE!

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