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Scarlett/Cynthia POV:

The next day was uneventful which I would say is a good thing. I just south of hung out in the woods were an Dipper came through when he saw me he went a bit on edge which made me sad inside but obviously I didn't say anything.

I tried to act normal and I waved. But you know it's kind of hard to act normal in a situation like that. We walked together in silence, usually I don't mind silence but this silence was really awkward.

"Dipper is there anything I can do to convince you that you can trust me?" I said. It took me a while to mystery up the courage to say that which I guess sounds weird coming from a demon.

Dipper seemed takin a back by this but thought about it.

Dipper seemed to get an idea then said "Let me ask you what ever questions I want and you have to answer all of them truthfully."

"Ok." I said a bit nervous about it for some reason.

"I want to make it a deal." Dipper said.

And that's why I felt nervous.

"Ok so if I answer any question you ask today honestly then you decide if you trust me." I said.

"Yes." Dipper said with a nod.

"Okaay." I said with a bit of a shrug. I just realised this was going to be the first deal I've ever made. "And you're sure about this Dipper?"

"Yes." Dipper replied sounding a bit nervous but not pausing.

I transformed into my demon self and stick out my hand burning with red fire.

My first deal...

Dipper took my hand finalizing the deal. After he let go I transformed back into my normal self.

"Ok first question, do you work for Bill?" Dipper said

"No." I answered.

"Do you work with Bill?"

"Well it depends on what you been by that because since he technically trained me that could be seen as collaboration therefore working with each other but I don't consider Bill an ally and I hate him. Also since you'll probably figure it out at some point and I don't want you to think I was lying, I found a loop hole which is that if I tell you information that does not pertain to the question it does not have to be truthful." I replied.

Dipper looked a bit dumb founded for a second but recovered quickly.

"Do you want to take over and/or destroy the world?"

"Not particularly." I said, I guess that sounds a bit vague though so I also added in "No."

"What powers so you have?"

"As long as I don't leave out any important ones could I do a shortened list? Because if we go into every tiny power we'd be here a while." I said.

"As long as you're not leaving out anything important then yes." Dipper replied.

"Ok, well I can open portals, sense people as in like where they are or anything that could be good by there breathing rate, heart rate, and body state. I can kind of read minds although I'm not as good as Bill at that, I can kind of tell the future but it's more like I can tell possible scenarios but I'm not very good so I can't tell what event causes all the different paths to differ. Um, I can fly/float, I can shoot of beams of energy kind of like plasma beams which can do different things depending on what I'm trying to use it for. And I'm decent at just sort of straight magic like incantations, magic circles and such." I said trying to make sure I didn't miss anything important. "Oh and I guess I could possess people of I wanted to but I've never tried."

I realised Dipper was actually taking notes on what I was saying which made me want to laugh but instead I only laughed in my head.

This went on for some time, Dipper asking me more questions like "what was my summoning circle" (I don't know) "what is the mindscape like?" (Weird but not so bad if it wasn't for Bill and a few other demons), "do you like having powers?" (Yes), etc...

When the sun stated to set and Dipper' s volley of questions slowed and then stopped I said to him " So not it's time for your end of the deal, so you trust me?"

Dipper seemed to be in thought about this and even going back to contemplating the notes he'd written down before answering "Yes."

I tried not to show how incredibly excited I was about that and just smiled. Dipper left then and I stayed in the new darkening woods. The sun hasn't set yet so I floated up above the trees to watch the sun set.

Way better then sun rises

Even after the sun set, I sat there for a while liking at the stars getting in the night sky.

And people used to think they were gods

Hello humans,

It is I, the (not so) evil mind demon Hanji13,

Ok sorry I was a bit longer on this chapter (not really), I was actually writing a different chapter but decided I wanted to put this one in before hand. Ok well that's about it so REALITY IS FAKE THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM BUY GOLD BYYEEE!!

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