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  Mabel POV:

    When the web broke it reminded me of my grappling hook, to bad I didn't have it on me, then falling would have been twice as fun! Although the ground hurt like it usually does.

     Before I even had a chance to think, Scarlett was up and dragging us away not stopping until we were almost back to the mystery shack.

Dipper POV:

   I hate to admit it but I when the spider started to wake up I almost made a deal with Bill, that is until I saw the spider web snapping, when I saw that I just tried to stall as much as I could.

   When the spider web snagged I was terrified,u was just playing that we wouldn't and up as blind on the ground. When we hit the ground I was still in shock from not being dead when Scarlett grabbed us.

Scarlett POV:

  After we had caught our breath a little, we started running again toward the mystery shack. I don't think Bill was following us which was good at least. Had the thread broke any later, I'd hate to think what Dipper might have done.

   After running into the mystery shack and living the door, Dipper, Mabel, and I slid down against the door simultaneously.

   "What happen to you guys?" Wendy said looking over from the register.

  "A lot." Dipper said.

  Wendy shrugged, curious but not pressing for me details.

   After a minute we shuffled upstairs to Dipper and Mabel' s room where we stared at each other until Mabel said "Maybe the spider was friendly."

  Dipper and I laughed awkwardly but it did bake the ice and I could feel the tension lower.

  "I wonder what caused the gravity decrease?" I said.

  "I don't know,I guess for the moment it's another mystery to add to the list." Said Dipper.

   "Well now that we're not in imminent danger, what should we do?" I asked.

   Mabel' s face lit up. "We should have a sleepover!"

   "Actually that sounds pretty fun." Dipper said.

  "A sleepover, huh I don't think I've had one of those before." I said.

  Mabel looked at me with an expression of shock. "Noo ".

   "Yeah, my mom moved around a lot and I never really became good friends with many people so, yeah." I said sheepishly.

   "Well we'll have to fix that." Mabel said. "We'll start at four so you can go home and grab your stuff and I can prepare the best sleepover you ever had."

    "Ok..." I said, excited for the sleepover but not knowing what to expect.

    I left, leaving to get my stuff for the sleepover, I think this will be fun.

   Hello humans,

It is I, the (not so) evil mind demon hanji13

So I'll probably be cutting back on the codes to get the chapters out faster if you guys like them though I'll try to continue then every chapter. Also do you guys want more, less, or the same amount of POV' s from people other than Scarlett although I probably won't do to much Mabel because I don't understand how she thinks. Anyway, tell me what you think. REALITY IS FAKE THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM BUY GOLD BYYEEE!!

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