planning and trusting

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Scarlett/Cynthia POV:

We worked on coming up with a more detailed plan which is kind of hard since Dipper and I would barely talk to each other. We were able to decide that Dipper would learn the spell although Mabel should to just incase Dipper isn't able to do it.

We also tried to practice our plan which doesn't really work since we can't practice the spell and I can't really practice for fighting Bill besides just practicing my powers and reading up on different powers and spells that could be useful.

After doing this for about three hours I finally said something to Dipper.

"Dipper I know your don't trust me and are angry but if this is going to work we need to at least be able to talk to each other." I said.

"Haaa ( supposed to be exasperated sigh) fine your right." Dipper said.

Those words cut down on the tension a bit but it definitely wasn't gone. Oh well,I guess we were making progress. Heck, I didn't even expect to get this far.

"Ok so have you seen Bill bend summoned? Well this is basically the opposite although there isn't much set up for a banishing spell. The only thing is you have to get every syllable right or the spell could back fire to such an extent that Bill could even get a physical form." I explained.

"But the problem is that we can't practice it out loud unless Bill is actually here." Dipper said.

"Basically. I think if you try each word by syllable and leave a good amount of time in between, your should probably be able to practice without having the spell inact." I said.

For a while we tried to practice it that way and it worked decently but it was still hard to think of it as one verse.

Heh, yeah this is gonna turn out great...

By this point though there's not much else we can do our try to perfect our plan and account for as my variables as we can. I was never good at sensing the future but even I can tell that there are millions of ways this confrontation will go. But most of them are split between two outcomes and I'm not a fan of either. One is we fail and the other is we succeed, but I go away.

Well it's worth it if we can hinder his plans even for just a month, that should give them time.

I'll cross that bridge when I get there... then the bridge will most likely burn behind me stranding me wherever I end up.

By the end of the day we had planned almost all we could. Dipper and Mabel (but mostly Dipper) staff bidding me with questions about my powers and what living in the mindscape is like.

I was a bit uneasy about it since Dipper still didn't completely trust me but I did show them my powers. Changing my appearance and demonstrating my powers in more of a pure energy form like a plasma blast and this like that.

Dipper and Mabel headed back toward the mystery shack and I could tell Dipper was a lot more stress about what was going to happen next more than Mabel. That's why I love Mabel she's so care free and positive, I couldn't imagine every being like that but I hope Mabel will always stay that way.

I don't think Dipper completely trusts me but I guess that's something I have to deal with for not being truthful. Oh well, besides I may never see them again so what does it matter?

It matters to me. I want Dipper to trust me. I want to have a friendship.

Hello humans,

It is I, the (not so) evil mind demon Hanji13,

Ok well I don't have much to say but some one pointed out that a lot of my book has been filed which I guess is right and I'm sorry about that. Maybe when I'm done I'll go back and as more chapters and stuff. REALITY IS FAKE THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM BUY GOLD BYYEEE!!

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