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Scarlett POV:

   The next day I decided that I couldn't continue to cut myself off from Dipper and Mabel, especially since yesterday since I actually interacted with people.

    I decided to go to the mystery shack instead of having Mabel hunt me down. When I came up I saw Mabel and Dipper running around the front lawn with Waddles, well Mabel was running around with Waddles and Dipper was sitting on the porch studying the journal.

   Mabel saw me and was about to yell over to me but I put my finger up to my mouth shushing her. She looked perplexed by this but stayed quiet. I walked over to her, Dipper to deep in the journal to notice.

   "Why are we bring quiet?" Mabel whispered.

   "Let's scare Dipper." I said.

   Mabel face lit up and then got a mischievous grin to it. She nodded and we walked to the other side of the house so we could talk louder.

   "Ok so how should we do this?" I said.

   "Ooh I have a grappling hook!" Mabel said.

   "Actually that could be really helpful." I said. "Ok so what if I go up and scare Dipper and then you grappling hook down from the roof and scare support from being when he turns toward me." I said.

   "Grappling hook!" Mabel yelled in a sign of agreement.

    While Mabel ran upstairs and onto the roof, I went outside and waited to see Mabel. After I saw Mabel on the roof I snuck up towards Dipper and got behind him.

    I held my hand over his shoulder then suddenly grabbed his shoulders and yelled "Hey ya Dipper!".

   Dipper literally jumped up and turned around toward me almost falling off the porch. I guess I felt a little bad but I couldn't stop laughing.

   As soon as Dipper calmed down I said "Sorry, sorry, I couldn't help it." I said still laughing.

   Just then Mabel came down silently and tapped Dipper on the back. This time Dipper turned and fell into me.

   Mabel fell the last two feet two the ground because she couldn't stop laughing.

   "Ok, ok in sorry and I promise that wasthe last surprise." I said getting my breath back from laughing.

   Mabel and I helped him off the ground.

   "Forgive me dipping sauce?" Mabel asked.

   "Yeah, I have to admit, you guys got me." Dipper said sheepishly.

   "So what do you guys want to do?" I asked.

  "We could play Waddles tag." Said Mabel. "It's a version of tag when Waddles is always it along with whoever gets tagged and when you're tagged your it but you have to pretend to be a pig like Waddles." Mabel explained.

  I laughed "Ok, yeah we could do that." I said.

  Dipper was going to go back to reading his journal but me and Mabel grabbed him and yanked him up.

  "If I don't get to be a hermit then you don't either." I said.

   First Mabel was it with Waddles and me and Dipper has to run away. I think I could have one easy but I was trying to die back on my competitiveness a bit. We scanned and laughed and just ran around for a good hour.

    By that point we were really tired and Dipper and Mabel invited me inside. We walked over to the gift shop after that and just kind of hung out there talking to Wendy and making up the life story of the customers. It was actually pretty fun although I don't understand why.

   We were just laughing and having a good time when my vision suddenly went blurry and I fell.

   This is it...

   Luckily I was only out for a few seconds although that was enough time to seemingly give Dipper a heart attack.

   "I'm fine." I said before anyone could ask any questions. "I think I was just a bit dehydrated." I lied.

    That was close

    Mabel, Wendy and Dipper still looked at me a bit worridly but went back to narrating everyone's lives.

   "Hey guys, I think I'm going to go." I said. "I just want to test a bit and make sure I don't pass out again."

    Mabel and Dipper offered to walk me home but I decided telling them that I was fine.

   Hello humans

   It is I, the (not so) evil mind demon, Hanji13

    I don't know why I continue to right these considering I don't have much to say so I guess happy thanksgiving to ask you Americans and happy random Thursday to everyone else. I'm trying to think where to go with the book next because I already have the climax in mind but I can't decide if it's too soon. Anyway tell me what you think. As always REALITY IS FAKE THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM BUY GOLD BYYEEE!!


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