The past and the present

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Cynthia/Scarlett POV:

(I'd like to note that in this chapter Scarlett going to think about everything as flash backs but she is telling the twins this as she's going along also she's not saying it kid every single thing she thinks just most)

Where to begin...

Well I guess the beginning. I had a pretty normal childhood. I was very exuberant and full of energy up until about the time I was seven. Then I started to not join in with the other kids do much and just sort of wanted to read my book.

I still had one friend though her name was Valentina Basave. She'd always drag me to do things I didn't want to do but I usually ended up having fun, especially with laser tag.

When we were eight my mom took us to the park just down the street from us. My mom got an important phone call and had to walk away for a minute. and I were pretty responsible even then and we knew to stay in the park so my mom thought it was ok to leave us for two minutes.

But then a group of boys came who were nine years old and the resident bullies in our neighborhood. Anyway they came over towards us and started picking on us but then singled Val out . I yelled at them to leave her alone but they wouldn't listen to me. I ran up and kicked one but he just shoved me on the ground without a second glance.

I became so angry at them both for myself and for Val. And that's when my powers awoken. I could feel it inside me. All this power and I began to boil over. It didn't happen in such perfection that it happens now (for example what she just thought she would probably simplify and leave it the perfection part) but my eyes changed, becoming a reddish tone. And my power just sort of exploded, knocking the bullies away from .

Anyway, they ran and my eyes returned mostly to normal. I ran over to Val who was crying and I tried to comfort her but I was never so good at that so I just let her lean on me until my mom got back. I think it helped a little though because she stopped crying before my mom even got back.

When I had told my mom what heppened her eyes for a look of sheer dread and terror and I still don't know if it was that she was afraid of me out afraid of what was coming.

"Ooh what's coming? I can hardly stand the anticipation." Mabel said.

Anyway my mom rushed us home dropping off Val, getting us home, then locking the doors and closing all the windows. She grabbed me and sat me down knealing next to me still holding onto my shoulders. and said "Listen what I'm going to tell you is very serious and you need to listen. You aren't completely human. You have magic, magic kind of like the characters in your books except your magic comes from a darkness." "REALLY A DARKNESS? THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE CALLING ME THESE DAYS?" Bill said appearing from nowhere. Obviously as an eight year old I was both intrigued and terrified of the yellow glowing triangle.

Bill made a tssk sound before saying "HORRIBLE PARENTING ON YOUR PART. WHAT WITH IT BEING AFRAID OF ITS OWN FATHER." Father? This floating triangle is my father?! "You can't take her." My mom said defiantly. "YES WELL WHAT CAN YOU DO TO STOP ME?" Bill said.

My mom stepped in front of me and Bill just laughed. My mom refused to back down but even in this state of defiance, she realised there wasn't much she could do if he wanted to take me. She leaned over and hugged me. She whispered to me to be strong and although she was trying to be strong herself I saw the tear role down her face.

Of course being Bill, he grabbed me then, my mom barely able to let out a scream before we disappeared into the mindscape. Of course I was overwhelmingly sad from losing my mother but I didn't do anything. I don't know if I was in shock or what but I just kind of went along like a rag doll.

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