Chapter 12

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Warning: Semi Mature Content

Raven's POV
Derek's arms rap around me and pull me closer then I was before. At this point I am disgusted and frightened. Who knows how long Jordan will be gone or what Derek is planning here. I try to push him away but I'm to weak and he suddenly says "you wouldn't want me to tell Jordan you were bad now would you?" "No but I'm sure you wouldn't want me to tell him you were touching his girlfriend" I say this attempting to sound bold but I'm surprised by how weak I actually sound.
All Derek does is laugh for a few moments then he finally speaks "you really think my son would care what I do to you? I mean have you even heard about the previous girls?" it pains me to think other girls have went through this and been this close in contact with such a freak family. I can't believe I thought Jordan was one of the good ones. I was so wrong. "Please just let me go" I plead with him. He laughs then says "now what would be the fun in that?" I try to move away again but he tightens his arms around me. A few tears stream down my face and he wipes them away and says "why are you crying? I hope you know that's not attractive."
I punch his chest and yell "let me go now" my voice finally coming out strong. "Oh feisty just how I like them" he then pushes me down onto the couch and lays on top of me he's heavy, very heavy. This is when I break down into tears and use all my strength to get away from him but nothing is working. He starts to kiss my neck and makes his way down to my collar bone. This is when I start to scream at the top of my lungs, maybe someone will hear me and come to my rescue.
Then Derek's hand collides with my face as he said "if you don't shut up I'll kill you." I know he will I know he isn't just threatening me, if it came down to it he would kill me in a heart beat and I really wanna avoid dying but I also don't want to be on this couch being smothered by a thousand pound man.
I look him in the eyes and say "I'll stop if you do. You don't want to do this. Just let me go and I wont tell anyone what happened here" my voice is shaking as I speak. I know he wont let me go but maybe I can buy myself time by talking to him, pleading with him until Jordan gets home. He ignores my words and slides his hand down my dress and I tense up. "Don't tense up it'll make it worse. Don't act like you've never done anything like this before" he whispers in my ear and I break out into tears once more. "No I actually haven't, please move, please get off me" I say through my sobs.
He backs away from my neck and says "what do you mean? You're with my son and he hasn't slept with you yet? Haha what a joke. Well I kinda do have to get off now. I must save him the enjoyment of breaking you in." He gets off me and I get off the couch and run to the other side of the room and sink to the floor breathing heavily. I sit and catch my breath and me and Derek sit in silence as we wait for Jordan to come back home.
The door finally opens and I stand up and walk over to the door "hey I missed you" I kiss him on the cheek. "Yeah I missed you to. I'm gonna go put this stuff up then we're going to the beach" he says with with a fierceness in his voice but I've gotten kinda use to it in past day or so. I just nod my head and walk upstairs to grab my shoes. I slide on my shoes then walk back downstairs and wait by the door. "Ready to go?" he questions and opens the door for me.
I walk out and make my way over to the passenger side of the car and wait knowing he will want to open the door for me and he does. After I am in and my seat belt is on he closes the door and goes to the other side of the car, gets in, and starts the car. "A day at the beach will be good for both of us" he smiles at me. "Yes it'll be nice to get out of the house for a bit" I say plainly.
Off to the beach we go. Nothing could possible go wrong. I mean he couldn't hit me in public and we left his dad behind. Finally worry free for a few hours.

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