Chapter 15

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Authors note: A bit of mature content in this chapter. I'm not gonna warn you guys ever time but fair warning the scenes will be getting a bit mature as the book continues.

Talia's POV
I wake up and look over at my clock which reads 12:43 pm and I smile knowing I actually got some sleep, my smile slowly disappears when I turn over and realize Audrey isn't there. I sit up in my bed and run my fingers through my hair. How could she just leave me? After sitting there crying and freaking out she just leaves me here alone.
I hear a loud bang coming from downstairs and I get up from my bed and run downstairs. "Shit. Ouch" I hear Audrey yell at herself. She didn't leave me after all. Wait did I hear an ouch in there? I run to her and notice she dropped a pan, I'm guessing it hurt her I just haven't yet registered how. "Hey are you okay what happened?" I ask her worriedly. "Yes I'm fine I just dropped the pan and it landed on my foot and hurt a bit. I'm sorry for waking you. I just thought that since your mom wasn't home I would make you breakfast and bring it up to you in bed after everything that happened yesterday" she sighs then looks at me.
I cup her cheek with my hand and kiss her. She pulls me in closer and deepens the kiss. "It's okay. That was sweet of you but I say we just have something delivered" I smile at her and she nods. I help her up and she calls and orders some food smirking at me while she does so. After she gets off the phone she looks at me eagerly and says "they won't be here for a hour" she closes me in against a wall and begins to kiss me. I try to lean in closer by we are already as close as we can get. Audrey wraps my legs around her waist and she carries me over to the couch not breaking the kiss for a moment until she slams me down onto the couch.
I love the rough side of her. It definitely turns me on. She basically rips my shirt off and she lays her body on top of mine. She kisses me and whispers "good thing your moms not home, otherwise we wouldn't be able to do this" she smirks at me and then starts to place kisses down my neck and she reaches my "sweet spot" causing me to let out a light moan.
"Fuck" she curses and at first I don't know what she was talking about until she says "they weren't suppose to be here for a hour" she gets up to go to the door and I quickly put my shirt on. She opens the door and says "you're not the food delivery guy" I hear a deep voice and realize she's talking to some guy but I can't make out what he was saying.
"Hey babe it's for you. Make sure you're decent" Audrey calls and I can imagine the smile on her face as she says that. I walk over to the door and I'm puzzled by what I see. It's him. The guy with the demanding voice. The guy who saved me from possible death. The guy who tried to force himself on my just yesterday. I suddenly feel uncomfortable with my lack of clothing as I'm wearing short shorts and a big t-shirt. I look at Audrey and say "I've got this you can go lay in my bed and wait on me" I wink at her causing her to blush.
"What the hell are you doing here and how do you know where I live?" I say after being sure Audrey is gone. "Well before I answer your questions you should know you would look so much sexier in my t-shirt. I got your license plate number and that lead me to your house. Just letting you know guys like me always get what we want and I wanted to know where you live sweet cheeks" he slightly curves his body to look at my bottom which I immediately try to cover up "oh yes defiantly got some sweet cheeks" he winks at me.
"What the hell do you want" I speak trying to sound fierce. "I want a simple thing my love. I want you" he reaches for my hand and I automatically back away. "Get away from me and I don't want to ever see you back here. Ever again" I spit at him. "Oh how cute your feisty. I'll leave for now but I will be back. Next time I don't think I'll be leaving alone. Also I'll be watching you, oh and nice bra lace looks good on you but I bet it would look better off of you and laying on my bedroom floor" he smiles at me then walks off. I close the door and walk upstairs to my bedroom where I told Audrey to wait for me. I walk in and she's laying down with soft music playing and she's barely dressed. I feel awful but I can't continue our previous engagement after him telling me he's watching me. I look at Audrey and give her a shirt. I crawl into bed with her and say "can we just snuggle until the food gets here?" She looks at me with a worried expression but she agrees. We lay there in silence until the door bell rings I tell her I'll get it and I walk downstairs and open the door. It's him again I don't even know his fucking name but he keeps showing up at my damn house.
"Did someone order food? I saw the man drive up. I paid for the food so here you go" he says. I grab the food and say "now go away" just then I look over and see Raven sitting in the front seat of his car I whisper "Raven." He looks at me and says "oh so you know the bitch I've been seeing. She's very difficult." I look at him and slam the door. I then call Audrey down to eat and she does just that. She talks to me while we eat but eventually she gives up after me responding so little. All I can think about is how worried I am about Raven. This guy is such a creep what if he hurts her? Damn it if he hurts her he's dead.

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