Chapter 2

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7 years later...

I laughed with joy as I ran in my white wolf form with my two best friends.

Cassie was a brown wolf. She was also the youngest out of the three of us, but the best climber.

Eva was a grey wolf. She was the best swimmer, which I envied since I couldn't swim. I know, I'm nearly Alpha and I can't swim.

I wasn't worried though. I still have two more years to learn until I'm Alpha. My dad will pass the title down to me when I'm 21. I was both excited and scared. Excited because who wouldn't want to be and Alpha, but scared because I didn't want to let everyone down if I'm not ready.

My dad says that it's completely normal to feel that way since he did as well when he was given the title. It made me feel better because according to the pack elders, my dad has been the best Alpha the Bright Crescent Pack has had in decades.

I stopped running at a small pond that my friends and I hung out at and waited for them. Being the fastest, I waited for awhile.

Cassie and Eva finally showed up, panting heavily. "I-hate-running." Cassie said in the mind-link between pants.

I laughed. "Come on guys. It's not that far of a run."

"Says the one who can run 30 miles non-stop. Cheater." Eva said with sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes and we laid down near the waters edge, still in our wolf forms. Being in my wolf form felt like flying. I loved it, no doubt.

"So, you guys ready for the Golden Moon party?" I asked.

The Golden Moon happens once every decade. It was a beautiful sight to see.

"Duh!" Eva exclaimed. "I live for the parties!"

Yeah, Eva was the one who would go to as many parties as she could in one night.

"I can't wait either. How many packs do you think are coming?" Cassie asked.

"Not sure. But I know dad said that the Still Waters Pack is coming."

When the Golden Moon celebration comes, some of the Northern packs come to our territory. Our pack was sort of like the main pack I guess you could say.

We got bored at the pond and started trotting along our borders. We weren't really suppose to since there are rouges out there, but we were always careful.

Suddenly, I spotted something I haven't seen here before. It was a very large boulder, kinda like a small mountain, that reached the top of the trees.

"Hey guys." I got their attention. "Check it out." We trotted up to the rock. "Let's go up."

"You sure?" Eva asked.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Come on. Let's do some exploring. Who knows what we'd be able to see from up there."

Cassie shrugged and shifted back into her human form. (AN; When they shift they are fully clothed.) Cassie had shoulder blades length blonde hair. She had pale skin and grey eyes. She was also short, about 5'3".

Eva shifted as well. She had a pixie cut that fitted well with her. Her hair was light brown and she also had pale skin but brown eyes. She was about the same height as me, standing at 5'5"

I shifted last. I had short length black hair. My eyes were hazel and I had tan skin.

Since Cassie was the best climber, she was having no trouble finding a good grip. She was already half way up after only ten seconds!

I, on the other hand, am not so specialized in this. My hands couldn't find the right ledges and my feet kept on slipping. I didn't feel so bad for myself because Eva was having a difficult time too.

"Hey! Hurry up! You're missing out big time!" Cassie shouted from the top where she was already standing.

I growled and kept climbing. Eva and I reached the top, finally. I glared at Cassie. "Thanks for the hand, Cas."

She ingnored me and pointed out. "Look!"

I followed her finger and my eyes widened with what I saw.

The Southern Territories.

Everything was dark and foggy, even the mountain were barely visible. I've never seen them before in person.

"Whoa." I breathed out. "What do you think is out there?"

Eva snickered. "Probably the Blood Alpha." She mocked. "Ha! Whatever."

Cassie looked at her. "You don't think he's real?"

Eva huffed. "Pff, no. He's just another bedtime story. If he's so real, then how come no one has really ever seen him before?"

"He killed whoever fought him." Cassie answered. "I think he's real. Just hope that I'm wrong."

"Yeah right. Shiva, what do you think?"

I didn't answer Eva, I was too focused on the Southern Territories. For some reason I felt... drawn to it. Like I was suppose to go in there.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Cassie tapped my shoulder. "Dude, you okay?"

Before I could answer, a howl could be heard. It was Beta Kyle signaling for all pack members to return for the celebration. Eva and Cassie smiled. "Yay! It's starting!"

They both shifted and hopped down to the ground. "You coming Shiva?" Eva called out.

I nodded. "Yeah be right behind you guys."

With that, they both ran through the forest back to the Den. I turned to look at the Southern Territories again. Taking one final glance, but before I turned back around, something caught my eye. A large figure at the edge of the forest.

"What?" I whispered to myself. I rubbed my eyes then looked again, but the shadow was gone.

I shook it off. Must've been my imagination...

... right?

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