Lack of Chemistry or Too Much of It?

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Today we're shooting the Hardware Store scene, this week has been easy on us, shooting scenes individually. The last time we shot together it was awkward, the director thinks I'm too self-conscious around him, who can blame me? He's a Greek God!!!! She also thinks I'm not ready for this role.
E.L James strongly disagrees, she believes in me, and being the eternal romantic that she is, she asked us to go on a trip together, to get to know each other, our families, our routines, hobbies, etc. That all expenses will be covered by Production and for us to only come back when we were friends.
She can be very persuasive. Since Thanksgiving Holiday is coming and neither of us celebrates it because it's not a Holiday in our countries, we decided to leave then. The question was where to go to?

"Maca, I'd go wherever you'd like to. I'm open to any suggestions".

"Well, my sister lives in Brazil. I really wanted to see my nephews. They're six and three"

"Ok. Brazil it is then! I could use a tan"

"Well she lives in the mountains, near São Paulo but I can arrange a trip to the beach"

"It's a date then. Can't wait to see you around your family. You must smile a lot around them, here you don't get to do that often"

How the hell do I answer to that? Isn't it obvious that I don't smile because I'm too busy concentrating so I don't jump you any second??? Self-control has abandoned me!
I have no idea what we're going to do in Brazil or if it's going to work but I'm just happy that I'll be around my big sister. I really need her support and advice.

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