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I've been up all night, I've read the infamous script, it's really good, to my surprise!!! It's a romantic comedy based in Chicago, the Windy City. I'm kind of excited about this, specially after Rob's second phone call, he had spoken with the people from Chicago to let them know I was in the project and they told him my co-stars will be Vince Vaughn and Taylor Kinney, it'll be a love triangle but Vince will end up with the girl, which in this case, it's me.
I've read other scripts as well, there is another one I'm interested in, it'll be filmed in Paris, it's kind of a thriller, the girl is engaged to a rich guy and she falls for a very handsome and mysterious French man and after she met him people around her die. I'll call Jenny to see what she thinks about this one, she's more into this kind of movies.

By eight o'clock I was showered and ready to film when my phone rang, my heart dropped thinking it might be Jamie but it wasn't him, it was Sam.

"Hello sweetie, how are you doing? Have you read the script?"

"Yes, Sam! I loved the one from Chicago! I've signed up for it, the other ones were kind of silly and there's one I'm thinking about that'll be filmed in Paris"

"Paris? How fancy! I love Paris! Good for you sweets! Have you spoken with Jamie?"

"Haven't heard a word from him"

"Ok, let's do this. You guys try to work it out because we need to finish this movie, so instead of filming in the morning, we'll film at night, see you both at seven. You let him know about the arrangements, kiss and make up. Love you!"

And she hung up on me, not letting me say a word. Well, if I know Jamie, I know where he's staying so I decided to just go there and make him forgive me. I slammed shut my door and almost run to hail a cab, I'm a woman on a mission!

The cab arrived at Millie's and I went straight to the door and knocked it. I was greeted by a sleepy Santiago who was just in his boxers, once again.

"Don't you wear clothes around here?"

"Hola Maqui, nice to see you too!"

"I'm not in the mood! Is Jamie here?"

"Yes, we drank all night long, he's upset, you know?

"Why didn't you call me? You're my brother, you know?"

I made a face as in saying 'annoying right?' He pulled me inside and took me by the hand to sit on the couch. He started whispering.

"I am your brother and I love you but you did a stupid move, why would you put Jamie before yourself? You did the same with Cauã! And I've talked to you about this many times!"

Great! Now he was pissed at me too!

"I know I was stupid, I wanted to talk to him first, he's my partner, that's what partners do"

"I know baby girl, but you should've said something long ago, don't miss on an opportunity for your career because of him. You hurt him because you made him feel as if he was Cauã, you know he would have supported you"

"I know, I screwed up. I just want to take him home so we can talk. I accepted the job in Chicago, so I'll be there while he is in South Africa"

A tear came out of my eye, I held back the others, it was going to be an awful time having him so far from me and for so long. Santiago wiped away my tear and that simple act from my brother made me release all the tears I've been holding back. Santiago embraced me in a hug and I felt a gentle hand stroking my back and I knew it was Millie, she talked to me sweetly.

"Shh Maca! It'll be okay, no need to cry. He'll understand"

"Can I have a moment with Macarena, please?

Jamie cut in, he only calls me Macarena when he's mad at me. I looked up and he was looking delicious in just sweatpants and very messy hair, he looked hungover and it made me feel like reaching for him and taking care of him, but the disappointment was still present in his eyes. Millie and Santi left us alone.

"Have you read the script?"

"Yes, I did. All of them"

"I knew there were more than one! Anything you liked?"

"The one from Chicago is pretty cool"

He sat next to me but was very careful not to touch me, I needed his touch but the deception in his look was still there so I didn't dare.

"What is it about?"

"It's a romantic comedy. A love triangle, there is this funny guy, this hot guy and the girl."

"Who keeps the girl?"

"The funny guy"

"As always, do you know who will your co-stars be?"

"Vince Vaughn and Taylor Kinney"

"Vince is cool, I don't recognize the other guy"

"Lady Gaga's boyfriend"

He frowned at this but I could see he was suppressing a smile.

"Hum, interesting"

I giggled and he brought my legs on his lap, rubbing gently my feet.

"So, am I still your girlfriend?"

"I don't know Maca, are you? Because you know, my girlfriend and I have been together through really hard times, I mean really, really bad times, all kinds of hardships a couple can confront; she even left me once because she didn't want me to be a distraction from her goal, which was to become a successful actress!
Now I have this girl in front of me whom I don't recognize, the day you told me about Cauã cheating on you because he felt threatened by your career, I remember thinking, 'who would do that? She's a beautiful and talented girl, she deserves the world, if she were mine I wouldn't do that to her' now here we stand, I did the same thing, I'm an asshole"

"No you're not! God Jamie! Never think that way! You're nothing but great to me, you're my everything, I was the asshole, I didn't want to be away from you for long, but I guess we've been living in a dream and the time to wake up is really close, now in the real world you'll be filming in South Africa and I'll be filming in Chicago"

"I know, but just for a couple of months, I'll go visit you and so will you, we can do this! Our love is stronger than this! I pretend to keep you in my life for a very, very, VERY long time"

He pulled me on his lap and I reached to kiss him. I've been away from him for less than 24 hours but this kiss is full of sadness and anxiety for what's to come, will we be able to be apart from each other for more than two months? Will we survive this? I hope we will because I do love this man!

*** Sorry for such a short chapter but I felt you guys wanted to make sure they would kiss and make up 😉 Next chapter will be very long, I promise! 🙌 Don't forget to comment and vote! Xoxo-Z ***

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