chp 4

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Heyyyy guys it's me nikki and i wanna thank everybody for reading my story ik im really slow on up dating my book but im like busy and i appreciate the comments keep them coming and im also open to any ideas that u guys have and if i didn't let u kno this in da beginning da ex name is Enoch and da ex bestfriend name is jasmine :)

Nykia P.O.V

The next morning I woke up and decided that i was going to his house and let him kno wassup. no if,and,or buts about it. he needed to kno and fast. so i got dressed and every thing and on my way out my mom stopped me. She asked me where i was going. I told her enoch house and she got so mad and told me i better not take him back. He ain't shit and a bunch other stuff. It was kinda funny but i was like ok mom it's nothing like that we gotta school project to do, now a course i lied cause if i didn't it was gonna be hella questions when i come and don't nobody got time for that ,and plus i still gotta figure out how imma tell her im with child.

On my way to enoch house i swear my mind was just wondering and before i knew i was at his door step i rung da door bell a couple times and knocked just as i sigh in relief thinking i had another day to think about this which it's really nothing to think about he open da door all confused rubbing his sleepy eyes.

Kia that's you? he questioned

yea it's me

what's wrong? what u doing here?

he said with a worried look on his face.

I really need to talk to you about something very important. I said without giving him eye contact.

Wassup? come in

When i walked in i finally looked up and our eyes meet and it looked as if he haven't had any sleep in a while. I quickly looked away.

Come on lets go up to my room so we can talk.

ok i said looking down at the floor.

When we made it to his room i was

extremely nervous cause i didn't know what to expect from him like i know he a good guy and all but that best friend shit fucked me up bad.

So what's on yo mind? What u wanna talk about?

I took a deep breath and finally spoke......

Enoch i been calling u, y haven't u picked up for me??? I asked cause i was curious and he seem happy to see me.

He looked up at me and met my eyes...

U been calling me?

Yeaa i said shyly.

Oh well i lost my phone a couple days after the party and im waiting for them to send me a new one.

What's up ba- i mean kia u look like u been stressing over something. he said with a worried look.

Welll.... i trial off I have been stressing. Taking another deep breath i finally said it.

Enoch im pregnant..

Pregnant??? he questioned... like u got a baby in yo stomach pregnant???

I laughed.... yeaa that's the only pregnant i know of...

he looked up at me and smile then he came close and said

so your gonna have my baby? he asked with a huge smile on his face

i smile at the fact that he was happy about the situation but that soon came to an end when i thought about jasmine being pregnant i scooted away from him and looked down and said

yeaa imma have ur baby in a low and hurt voice.

he came closer and asked what was wrong. I quickly got up and said nothing, i gotta go. he grab my arm and said

wait we really need to talk im not trying to argue and get you upset, but i really miss u and i can't have u mad at me. I know i fucked up bad and im really sorry, i know sorry not gonna cut it but i really mean it and what happened that night was a big mistake kia i promise u it was. He said with his voice shakey with a tear coming down his cheek

I looked away because i was beginning to cry too and i really didn't come here for all of this i wanted to tell him im pregnant and leave thats it, but a part of me wanted to hear him out.

Kia look at me. he said as he pulled me closer.

Now we was face to face. me looking into his eyes him looking into mines. I miss this boy soooo much. Him holding me felt so right.

Can we please talk kia, that's all i wanna do is talk.

Ok, i said... we can talk.

First thing you should know is that Jasmine isn't pregnant at all, she lied to make you mad. why?? i have no idea, but i promise u she's not pregnant. What that night kia was a big mistake i was drunk didn't know what was going on i really didn't mean for any of it to happened I really do love you with all my heart, u mean everything to me. I just wanna make everything right between us.

I love you too, but i don't think i can do this.

What you i thought u was having my baby.

I am... But i just need some time to think about us.

Ok... Time, I'll give you that but please don't have me waiting long.

I'll do anything to have u again so we can be a family. imma do any and everything to be here for you and the baby i promise ,just trust me and give me one more chance imma make it right.

With that said and done i left cause i didn't know what to say at the moment, but i did have alot to say but i couldn't after a while i felt stupid for not telling him how i really felt deep down.

When i made it my momma was looking at me all weird and shit and i was trying to figure out why the fuck she was looking at me like that.

So i finally said something.

Mom why you looking at me like that?

You got something you wanna tell me? she asked lifting her eyebrows with a frown on her face.

What you talking about?

You know damn well what im talking about but since u wanna play stupid imma play stupid too and with that said she walked off.

Ok.... mom wait and she stop in her tracks turned around cross her arms and said....what?

Impregnantandit'senochbaby. I said extremely fast with my head down not giving her eye contact. she started walking close to me and she said in a low but stern tone look at me, i didn't look up i was afraid. then she yelled LOOK AT ME NOW... My head shot up and our eyes met and all i saw all the anger and hurt in her eyes and the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Mom.... im so sorry i said with my tears building up making it hard for me to see.

Soooo lol how do u guy's like it so far plzzzz leave suggestions and comments i really find them helpful any ideas u guy's want me to use let me kno and I'll be more than happy to and do me a slight favor if it's not too much...

FMOIG @Nykiawashere

FMOT @Nykiawashere

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