Capter 1: Year 1

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Why must everything get so dark at night? The darkness made me worried. Worried that he would creep up upon me in my supposed sleep. He had a way of doing that, as I had found out at a young age. "Master", as I am forced to call him, liked seeing me have painful and sleepless nights. I was broken and bruised all the time, though no one seemed to care. I, myself, had given up caring when I was about 6. My neighbors didn't care. My teachers didn't care. My peers didn't care. I didn't care. Not about my screams. Or my tears. My cuts. Or my blood that had been spilt a few times. My starvation never mattered. Nothing. That all changed, yet it didn't get much better.


I awoke to a beating. Mistress beat Master's belt against my bare legs. My over sized pants had been pulled up to expose the skin which the belt slapped. I winced slightly but dully.

"Get up, child! And get the mail on your way down!" Mistress beat me once more and left the cold room with no bed that I stayed in.

I got up, fixed my wrinkled clothing a bit, and stumbled down the crooked, creaking steps. When I reached the front door, I picked up the mail and glanced through it.

Business forms...relative letters...all addressed to Master or Mistress.

But one letter stood out as I stumbled down the slightly blood stained-my blood-walls of the hallway I was in. A letter with my name on it.

Miss Mickkinzzaa Lune White

That's I go to open the letter, though, it's snatched out my hands.

"What do you think you're doing with the mail?" Master grinned evilly.

"M-master...that letter is addressed to m-me...!" I squeaked out.

"To you?! Why, what would anyone want with you?! Oh...wait a minute...this is a letter from that school of yours, isn't it?" He ask, grinning as he looked down at me.

"You got into trouble, didn't you?" His crooked smile was a small glimpse of the twisted pleasure he felt inside.

"I-I don't know, M-Master...!" I trailed off as the front of the letter caught my eye.

Master turned the letter over and gasped, horrified at whatever he saw. His eyes widened with terror and his clutch on the letter grew weaker. His face grew pale.

I only ever knew of two things that would leave Master in such a state. Witchcraft and wizardry. You would never suspect those things, probably expecting them to be nonexistent. But I knew that Master feared them. Something about his family, my grandparents, perhaps.

Master looked at me, fear and hate evident on his face. His colour came back, and lots of it. He turned a deep red and trembled with rage.

"YOU!" He bellowed and I flinched back. "YOU ARE ONE OF THEM?!" I didn't know who them was, but when he dropped the paper on the dusty floor to grab me, I found out.

On the front of the envelope was a dark, reddish pink, wax seal with

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

stamped into the wax.

But I was perplexed. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? What was that? And why did they send me a letter?

It was too late to ask questions, however. Master had seized me and pulled my arms behind my back. It hurt.

He placed his enraged face next to mine.

"How dare you?! Not tellin' us! You're a disgrace! A rat! We gave you a home! And you do this to us?! I'm not goin' take it, I tell you!" He whispered viciously with his terrible breath.

I have no idea what he is taking about.

"What's goin' on?!" Mistress's high pitch question startles Master and I, though I am already terrified.

"She's one of 'em! Got a letter to the school and ev'rythin'! She's a witch, Anne! Like me family! The outcast!" Master explained.

A witch? Family? Outcast? School? What?!

Mistress looked terrified.

"Why keep her then?! She's obviously a menacing terror to the household!" Mistress accused.

Master nodded in agreement, and, before I knew it, I was thrown out the door and landed on my face on the street.

"AND DON' COME BACK!" Master shouted followed by a little 'mhm!' from Mistress.

The door slammed and I was alone.

No home. No food. No family. Nothing. Not that I had much to start with. what?

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• aw! Poor mickkinzzaa! Ok new book! It may start out dark but it's gonna get better. Hope y'all like this...I'll updated as often as possible! Comment. Vote. Read. Love ya meh little hipsters!

~the Mick mouse! 🐭

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2016 ⏰

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