Part 2

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  • Dedicated to Isabella miligan

Chapter 2

The waves beat against me getting more furious every second. I was past the surf line and that is when I saw her. "Little girl!" i called. "Come to me!" A wave splashed against my vision. When I opened my eyes the girl was gone. All of a sudden I felt something grab my ankle(it felt like a hand.) The hand pulled me into the water. I looked and saw that the owner of the hand was the little girl. I looked at her up and down but instead of legs she had a light purple tail! I screamed and she let go of me and i swam up for air. But the strangest thing happened(besides realizing that mermaids are real) I had gone to the surf line to get the girl but when i went for air I was lying on the beach. I slowly stood up and nearly fell trying to get my balance. I wobbled up to the beach house. I came in the back door and faced Aunt Mia. "Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed "Why are you so wet?" she asked. "Umm...well...i learned something about mermaids." i said. All of a sudden i heard a clang of metal. "Aunt Mia!" i bent down and picked up the pan. I looked at her. "Change your clothes and meet me in the"


I changed into jeans, an aeropostale shirt, and neon pink flip flops. I peeked into Jess' room. She was sprawled across her bed snoring. I began to climb up the staircase to the top. On the ceiling was a trap door with a descending ladder leading to the attic. I poked my head up and pulled myself into the attic. The last time that I was in the attic was right after my parents were pronounced dead. Dust clouded the attic space. Trunks, boxes, and old,dusty portraits made up the attic. I walked around till I noticed a scarlet blanket covering some thing. I grabbed the edge of the blanket and ripped it off revealing a old portrait.I looked at it and tears came to my eyes. The picture was taken 14 years ago nearly a month before my parents went on the cruise. "The two things they loved the most was you and your sister." I whirled around in shock and fear to face aunt mia. "Oh its you" i said "And yeah i do know they loved us." She crossed the attic and i followed her. "What did you learn about mermaids?" asked aunt mia as she stopped and turned to me. I was going to tell her that mermaids exist but then she would put me in a mental asylum the first chance she got. "Umm...well...that they're..carnivores." I bit my lip, hoping that she would buy it. "I want to show you something." said aunt mia. She picked up a old,wooden jewelry box. She hummed the beginning of "Twinkle,twinkle little star." and when she finished I heard a click of gears come from the old,rusted lock on the box. She pulled the lid open and I peered in. Aunt Mia pulled out a necklace(the only item in the box.) Its chain was completely made of tiny sea shells. Instead of a pendant there was a large starfish. She handed it to me. "Where did you get this?" I asked while running my fingers over the shells. "Your mother." she replied. I looked up at her with curiosity. "Do you believe that mermaids are real?" she asked me. "No." i lied. She looked at me dead in the eye. "Well, you have a lot to learn." she said with a smile on her face. She put the necklace on me. All of a sudden i felt a burning sensation climb up my leg. It felt like a fire inching up my leg. "Ahhh!" I cried out in searing pain. While I felt the fire and cried a bright light clouded my vision. I thought that was it...i thought i was i going to die but the burning stopped and the light dimmed then vanished. I blinked my eyes a couple times then rubbed them. I looked around. "Im on the beach...oh look theres the beach house." i told myself. I tried to get . up to find out what had happened but i could not. My legs felt tingly. I looked at them and screamed. Instead of my legs was an oversized dark blue fish tail.

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