Chapter 4: Sleeping Beauty

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After all the commotion PB and you became the best of friends and you guys talked about stuff you had in common like science and mysteries and of course ADVENTURE!!!!-but that was more you and the boys-

"Hey it's getting pretty dark we should go back to the tree house" Finn suggested to Jake then turns to you "Hey (y/n) you don't have a place to stay right?" "No actually..." "Well then come stay with us!" "Are you sure I don't want to be a burden or such..." "Of course not! You will never be a burden!!"

You finally give in and followed Finn and Jake to the treehouse

-------Time skip------
---To the treehouse---


"~Hey (y/n) wanna play some video games?~" Finn suggested in a sing-song voice while wiggling some controllers "HELL YEAH!!!"

We started playing video games and I was winning then letters flashed on the screen. It spelled 'Game Over. Player 1 wins'

"YEAH I WIN!!!!" I yell

"Yeah yeah but next time I'm not going easy on you!" Finn replied

"My turn I wanna play too!" Jake yelled "Hey Jake you can have my controller, here" I handed my controller to him "Thanks (n/n)!" (N/n means nickname!! Onwards to the story!!! ;))

The boys started playing and I felt my eyelids getting heavy. The last thing I remember is Finn yelling "You're going down Jake!!"

...And then darkness consumed me


Finn's POV

Jake and I were playing then I turned around to see on (y/n) and I saw she was fast asleep

'She's so cute when she's sleeping...' I blushed at my own thoughts

"~Oooh Finny has a crush!~" Jake said in a singing tone to tease me

"S-Shut U-Up!!!" I yelled then I got up and picked her up I turned around to face Jake and said "I'm going to sleep after I take her to bed"
"~Okay ;) "

I got in my bedroom and placed her gently in the bed. I changed in my Pj's and got into bed 'It's weird having someone in bed with me' I thought and then let the darkness consume me as well.

Finn x Reader: The Fate Of Two Humans (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now