Chapter 13: Deals and Betrayals

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It was Finn

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It was Finn.

But there's something off about him... He seems different.

"Finn?" I say as I walk closer to him.

"Stop.," He commands me with an expressionless face.

"Huh? Finn is there something wrong?"

"Stop. You are what's wrong, (y/n). Leave me and Ooo alone." I feel my eyes water at his words. "You don't belong here"

"Finn..." I mumble as a tear drop rolls down my cheek "This can't be true!!! Look I know your mad, but I'm sorry! I only lied to protect you!"

He grins.
(imagine a Jeff the killer kind of grin)

"What do you mean?" He ask creepily "The only one needing protection is you." He pulls out his sword from his backpack and starts swinging it madly.

"WATCH OUT!!!" I hear Rin yell

"NO! FINN! STOP IT!" I dodge an attack. The sword hits the floor and gets stuck.

"Why aren't you having fun?" He asks wickedly while picking up his weapon "I know I am"

"Please, Finn" I beg "I don't want to fight you... I... "

"I love you..." I confess

He stops and looks at me shocked, "Y-You do?" I nod. Finn looks down. His bangs cover his eyes and creates a shadow covering his face except his mouth.

Then, he starts smiling evilly "It's a shame..." He raises his hand that holding his sword "THAT THE FEELING ISN'T MUTUAL!!!" And he swing yet again the sword. I try dodging but end up tripping and falling on the ground. "I got to admit, even though I want to kill you and everything, you are a pretty sight to see" Even though I'm probably about to die, I blush. He points his weapon towards my neck barely touching it. "I wonder... How you would look in red..." He licks his lips.

"That's enough, Finnegan"

Finn looks angrily at Aka "It's Finn." Aka looks at him boringly "Whatever..."

My father then puts his attention towards me and says, "I'll give you two choices: Come with me and marry Lord McPizza or..." He looks at Finn for a second then back at me

"kill him and stay here."

I freeze, my face full of horror. As I open my mouth to speak King Aka cuts me off "If you don't choose, I will kill him myself and force you to come" he emphasizes 'will' and 'kill' as he looks at me with stern eyes. It's as if they have a voice of their own, telling me that there is no other choice, that he will do it.

"So? Is there a deal?"

Finn x Reader: The Fate Of Two Humans (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now