Chapter 16: The Sharp End Of A Lie

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Gasps and whispers are heard through the room, shocked by the sudden interjection.

"Finn?" I ask dumbfoundedly

"How dare you interrupt my wedding?!" Lord McPizza asks furiously

"(Y/n), I know I did wrong... And I know that I can't take back what I've said, or what I've done... But please come back to Ooo, to us..." As Finn says those words, Jake, Marceline, Princesse Bubblegum and Ice King come out behind him. " me"

Tears come down rolling on my face.

"I thought I taught you a lesson!" My father shouted.

"We would never give up on our friend!" Replies Marceline

"You know, this is quite a fancy wedding" Ice King acknowledges

Everyone turns to face the wizard and gives him a 'Really?' face.

"(Y/n) please..." Finn pleads

I start smiling widely while happy tears roll down. "Okay" I start running towards them. But Potato Guards from the Fast Food Kingdom stop me.

"You're not going to leave, (y/n)" McPizza says

"No! Let me go!" More guards appear from all sides and start grabbing me and my friends.

"(n/n)! Catch!" Jake yells while struggling.

The object flies across the room, finally reaching its destination. I grab it and chant "Flower Sword!" I start attacking the guards. I summon vines to come out and grab them.

 I summon vines to come out and grab them

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(Remember this ;) )

"Woah..." Finn stares in amazement at the beautiful goddess fighting the guards (yes you're a badass goddess. Deal with it).

"Finn, watch out!" warns Jake

"Huh-?!" Finn gets punched in the face by no other than McDouchbag. He falls and hits the floor quite harshly.

"Can't believe (y/n) would want to stay with you peasants rather than me and my wealth" The Lord says with disgust. He picks up Finn by the colar.

"Can't believe you actually think you have a chance with her" Finn replies while struggling

"You cocky basta- UMPH!" The Lord gets cutt off by an unexpected kick in the - um... - manly treasures...?

Finn x Reader: The Fate Of Two Humans (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now