Chapter 7: Liar Liar

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As soon as I hear that I run as fast as I can. The footsteps get louder and louder as if warning me that the end of my freedom is approaching.

Run. Don't give up, Just Run.

As I continue running, I see a faint light signalling me that I'm approaching the exit.

I reach the stairs and climb up as fast as I can. The sunlight gets brighter and brighter. I finally reach the exit and with no time to lose, I continue running and find a hiding place.

As I hid myself, I could hear the movements of my pursuers and watch them.

Now I could see what they look like. They both are blond with blue eyes and they're wearing my kingdom's special uniform. They seem to be siblings, twins in fact, but the only thing that separates them is that one is a boy, the other a girl.

The agents continue running and as they pass my hiding spot

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The agents continue running and as they pass my hiding spot. When I make sure the cost is clear, I get up and start walking in hopes to find my friends.

After a few minutes of walking wondrously, I finally find Finn and Jake.

"Hey Guys!"

"(Y/n)?!" Jake says

"Where were you?!" Finn continues

"Eh... Sorry"

"That's it?! We were worried sick!!" Finn argues

"Yeah you can't disappear like that, dude! Where did you went?"  Jake asks

" You see I... Got distracted! I thought we were being followed... But it turned out to be a squirrel...?"

At least it's half the truth?

"Look just forget it, let's get back home. It's getting late..." Finn comments with a tone that contains a mix of anger, disappointment and hurt.

Agreeing with him we go back to the treehouse.

When we enter, we are greeted by BMO.

"Hello friends!"

"Hey BMO" Jake says while I mumble it.

Finn doesn't say a word, he just ignores BMO and goes to his room.

"What happened to Finn?" BMO asks

"Don't worry too much about it, BMO... He's just tired" Jake says

Feeling guilty, I follow Finn to his room, ignoring Jake as he tries to stop me.

When I get to Finn's room, I find him sitting on his bed looking at the floor.

As I close the door, Finn opens his mouth to talk "Why do you lie?," he says still not making eye contact with me.


"Why do you keep lying to me?" He asks once again. But this time he diverted his attention from the ground and watches me.

"I don't... lie to you..."

"There! You see! You did it again!!" Now this time he was in front of me "One more time... Why? Why are you lying?!" He pushes me to the wall and traps me with both his arms at each side of my face. Our faces are centimetres apart. His eyes burn with determination and hurt.

"..." I stay silent and divert my attention to the ground.
It seems that my silence ticked him off and he starts yelling,"Why can't you trust me?!"

"I do trust you, Finn," I say as I look at him

"Then why do you lie? What's so important that you can't even tell your friends?!!," he continues yelling

"I...can't tell you..." And once again my attention goes to the ground.

He stays silent for a bit, not looking at me. Then releases me from his clutches and says to me

"Fine then...  Get out"

His words were mere whispers but I still could hear them. Not believing what I just heard, I stay still, frozen in fact, just standing there waiting for him to repeat just to make sure I heard him wrong.

"I said GET OUT!" He yells and opens the door as I walk towards it one step at a time, slowly still not believing.

I pause when I reach the exit and say something to him, in a tone that's only for his ears.

When hearing my words he froze. I continue walking and see Jake and BMO sitting in the living room silently watching me. I'm guessing that they heard our conversation.

I see my (f/c) backpack and grab it, making sure that everything I need is in there. After checking, I reach the exit of the treehouse. As I open the door, Jake says "Are you really leaving?"


"But where will you go?" He asks

"I don't know... I'll find something... Don't worry" I reply

Leaving the treehouse was hard but I managed. Now I just have to find a place to stay... I guess I could go Bubblegum's palace or to Marceline's. Bubblegum's is closer I guess I'll stay there for a few nights and then leave Ooo.

After walking and silently crying for a while, I reach the candy kingdom. I pass the few citizens that are awake at this late hour while they gave me a curious look to why I a girl like me is crying and walking wondrously.

I ignore them and reach the castle. I knock on the gigantic doors and was received by peppermint butler. He let me in and guided me to Princess Bubblegum. I asked PB if I could stay here for a few days and she, fortunately, accepted. She led me to my room and lent me some clothes that I could wear. I thankfully accepted and then she left.

Now I just have to rest and forget about everything, about him.

After finally clearing my head, I close my eyes and sleep profoundly.

Little did I know that I was being watched and that something big was going to happen....

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