Chapter 8: Kidnapped

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"No stop! Please! I don't want to go back!!!" I try to get out but their grip is too strong

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"No stop! Please! I don't want to go back!!!" I try to get out but their grip is too strong.

"You foolish girl!!!" At the sound of his voice I froze.

"You actually think that you can escape just like that?"


"Why? Why are you doing this to me?" I ask while tears stream down my face. "What did I ever do to you?!"

"The thought of your existence is what bothers me the most..." He replies with no emotion.

More tears fall down as I hear his words.

"And don't forget the humiliation that you caused me!" He continues


"Oh, so you don't remember do you?" What is he talking about? "You don't remember what happened the night you ran away?,"

What did happen that day? When I arrived in Ooo, I never remembered nor why nor how I was there.

My father seemed to have read my thoughts and continued "That night, we were having a party to celebrate your engagement to Lord McPizza of the FastFood Kingdom. When it was time to announce your arrival, you swung your way with a rope to the exit of the castle in your adventure clothes. You explained how you thought that this arranged marriage with Lord McPizza was not worthy and how you, in your words, defined him as a douchebag."

It's slowly coming back to me, the party, McDouchebag the arranged marriage...

"And after that enlightening speech you made,"

Ouch. Sarcasm.

"You escaped from the castle, stole a boat and disappeared in the sea."

"But then why are you doing this? If you hate me so much than why did you send agents to look for me?" I ask

"The answer is simple. It would not look good if a king doesn't look for his runaway daughter. Also because Lord McPizza awaits your arrival." He says in a monotone voice.

"I'm not going back"

"What did you say to me?"

"I said, I'm not going back!" I repeat

"I don't think you understand. You don't have a choice."

"My answer is still no."

"Fine then have it your way. If you don't collaborate and obey like the good useless girl you are, then I will take you by force.

Until then (y/n)..."


I wake up startled. Sweat is trickling down my forehead and I can't stop trembling.

So it was all a dream? It seemed so real...

My thoughts were interrupted when a loud bang was heard.

Getting up from bed, I start walking towards the door. Then I take a peek outside. Watching both ways of the dark hallways, I see a silhouette passing by in the right corner. Curiosity took over me and I found myself following it.

It's still the middle of the night, so it's hard to walk around since it's so dark. But eventually I found myself outside of the castle, in the garden.

Since I lost sight of the mysterious silhouette, I stop in my tracks. And out of nowhere, something or more like someone grabs my wrists and holds me tightly. Then, another person comes out in front of me. I can't really see who it is, but when he or she comes out into the moonlight, I immediately recognized her as one the twins that came to take me back.

"Well hello there (y/n)... Don't worry we will take good care of you...
Len! Do it!"

And in the blink of an eye, my mouth was covered by a cloth. I gasp taken by surprise. As a result of my stupidness, I accidentally exhaled the drug on the piece of clothing making me dizzy.

I couldn't see well. Every thing was blurry and kept turning around in circles. I tried keeping my eyes open but they kept getting heavier and heavier.

And before I knew it, darkness consumed.

And before I knew it, darkness consumed

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PB's P.O.V.


I suddenly wake up startled. I got this bad feeling in me that something bad happened.


"Who is it?"

Suddenly the door swings open, revealing Peppermint Butler with worry written over his face.

"Princess! It's horrible! I don't know what to do! I don't know how this happened!!! She- She-"

"What happened?!" I ask with worry.

"(Y/n) she's gone..."


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