Chapter 12: King Aka

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Just in case:

Aka is your father. It means red in Japanese.

(This is your father)

(This is your father)

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"Ah! Your majesty!" Quickly, Rin salutes the King.

"Hmph..." He rudely gazes at her. Then, king Aka puts his attention towards me "Let's go"

Shocked by his bluntness and cold gaze, I stay still not moving a muscle.

"Well...?" He says "You know I'm not getting younger"

I scoff "How will I know? I've never seen your face before nor has anyone else!!!"

"You have no need to see my true identity!!" Dad shouts "Now, let's get going. Lord McPizza is awaiting your arrival for the marriage" He yanks my hand and starts dragging me.


"No?" He questions

"No. I can't leave. I won't leave," I say

"And why is that?," Aka questions. "Because... Because I...," I stutter. He looks at me questionably.

"I- I FELL IN LOVE!!!" I shout with my eyes shut. My cheeks light up like fireworks. "A-and my friends th-they're waiting f-for me..." I say still blushing.

Aka stays silent for a moment then sighs, "I knew it..." Huh?  "I didn't want this to happen... I tried protecting you from this, but I guess I'm too late"

What is talking about?

Seeing my confusion, he tells me,"You see (y/n), the boy you've been hanging out with lately, he doesn't love you... In fact, love is just something part of every dreamer's imagination. But when you're a realist like me, you'll see that love only brings pain!"

I feel my blood boil. How dares he?! "How do you know that he doesn't love me?! You've never met him!" He smirks "I actually did not so long ago... In fact he told how he absolutely loathed you and that he couldn't wait to see you leave"

Does Finn actually think that? No! He's only playing with your mind! "I don't believe you! There's no way Finn would feel that way!!!"

"Hmm... If that's the case I'll let him tell you instead. Then you'll believe me..." He says evilly.

Suddenly, I hear a door opening slowly. A silhouette comes out. Then, the mysterious figure comes out into the light and I immediately recognize it.

It was Finn.

Finn x Reader: The Fate Of Two Humans (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now