Chapter 18: A Painful Reality

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Why do people love life and hate death?

Because life is a beautiful lie and death a painful reality.


"Finn... I... Love you..."

"(Y/n)?! (Y/n)?! Hey, stay with me come on! Open your eyes! Dammit! Don't go! Don't... Don't leave me..." Tears rolled down my cheeks as I grabbed her. "I... I love you too" I kissed her for the first and last time. Realizing the painful truth, I started sobbing uncontrollably.

I felt empty...

No one dared to interrupt. Not even my best friend, Jake. Who could blame them? No one knew what to say or do. It was just so unreal.

I stared at her beautiful face and more tears continue to flow. Why did she do this? Why didn't she tell me? Why did she sacrificed herself? Why...?

A thousand questions with no answers.

After a while of crying and grief, Jake came up to me and sat by my side.

"I don't think my heart will ever heal, Jake"

"You know, bro... Maybe you're right. Maybe your heart will never heal because, sometimes, you aren't meant to get over someone... And you'll just have to go on living a little bit emptier..." Jake said.

* * *

"...That day I learned a lot..."

"I learned that death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal." I pause for a second while I choke on my tears. "(Y/n), you were my best friend, the light of my life and - and the day you took your last breathe was the day my world went dark... I... I can't sorry... I just... can't." And I left. I left the place full of grief and black.

I ran.

I ran so far and so fast.

A part of me still wants to believe this isn't real. That (y/n) is still alive, sleeping in her bed and I'm just having a horrible nightmare.

The other part wants to forget everything. To start over and never experience grief and... love.

I stop running for a second and realize where I am. On a hill. The hill. Where (y/n) and I used to hang out most of the time when Jake went to visit Lady and his kids. We spent so much time here... I can still remember the first time we came.

*flashback brought to you by Finn beatboxing at your funeral (oops)*

"Hey, human boy! Let's go up that hill!"

"You know you're human too, right?" I said smirking.

"That's what you think! Truth is I'm an intergalactic alien from planet (y/n)-landia voyaging through the universe to destroy all living things!"

"And I'm guessing you're the princess of (y/n)-landia?"

"I'm no princess! I am a brave empress who needs no man to save her!" She exclaims while waving her hands in the air.


"What? Don't believe me?! Gasp! I thought we were friends!"

"Did you just say 'gasp'?"

"Yes, yes I did"

"You're weird"

"I know"

"But I like it"

"I know"

We both sat down when we reached the top. "So... (y/n)... Where do you come from? You haven't really talked much about your past since you came"

She lowered her head, her hair covering her face. The once joyful atmosphere was now replaced by a hostile ambience. "I... It's not very known... In fact, only a few kingdoms know that we exist..."

"Is it nice over there?" I ask with curiosity



"It's not the place itself that sucks, but the monarchy. The king is a horrible man. His only goal is power and money... Ha! The cliché villain huh?"

"Is that why you're here?"

"Yeah..." She looks at me and smiles "But also because I'm here to destroy all living things!" And pounces towards me, tickling my sides.



*end of flashback brought to you by Finn trying to bake you a cake, but burns himself and starts crying while you try to comfort him*

"I miss you, you know?"


Wassup, my army of Pandas!

So I guess you did die...


Hakuna Matata?

Anyways, sorry for the short chap but it's late and I realized that it's been a 2 weeks and 3 days that I haven't updated... So here it is!

If you're wondering why I'm saying it's late when it's only 10 pm? Welllllll... Tomorrow is my first day of school… ughhhhhhhhhhh... I am now in second year, three more to go! But then... More school...

You know...

Whoever invented this system seriously deserves a high five.

In the face.

With a chair.

Whoever invented homework seriously deserves a high five.

In the face.

With a hammer.

And whoever occurred to them that hiring horrible teachers is an awesome idea deserves a high five.

In the nuts.

With a brick.

Yes. Yes, I did go there.


Finn x Reader: The Fate Of Two Humans (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now