Chapter 5: Morning Mayhem

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'It's weird having someone in bed with me' I thought and then let the darkness consume me as well...

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I wake up to the soothing sound of birds chirping a beautiful melody while the sun rises from it's sleep and bursts its sunlight to illuminate the unique and wonderful land of-

"*SNORING*" Well there goes my description of how I wake up... Stupid Finn... For once I wake up without complaining...


"KYAAAAAAA" I scream as loud as I can when I realize that FINN is in the SAME bed- I repeat BED as ME

"W-What What happened?! Don't w-worry princess I-Il save yo- *KARATE CHOP* Oww! WHAT THE CHEESEBALLS?!" Oops... Darn my super awesome ninja reflexes... "FINN! ARE YOU OK?!" Jake yells as wakes up to see his best friend on the floor with a bump on his head made by the one and only me

"I guess...?" He answers Well at least he's alive...? "But seriously dude why did y'a hit me for?!"

"W-Why were we in the same bed?!"

"Well that's 'cause you fell asleep on the couch and since they are no more beds... I... Well brought you to mine...?"

"Oh... Thanks... And sorry for... You know hitting you..." I apologized

"Don't worry it doesn't hurt that much anymore..." Finn says "But you sure know how to hit that's for sure"


"Don't sweat it"

"Well then who wants breakfast?" Jake asks

"MEEEE!!" Both Finn and I jump out pf bed and head for the kitchen


"Delicious!" I compliment "Sooo what now?"

"How about...? Oh I know!! You still haven't met Marceline!!" Finn says

"Who's Marceline?" I ask

"Oh she's the vampire queen" Jake explains


"Then let's go!" We hop on Jake's back and leave the tree house


After meeting Marceline, she and I became awesome friends. We have the same taste in music and love the colour red!

Of course I don't ummm.... 'consume it'...?  


It was super fun! We even made a jam session together!

Got to admit Finn did some awesome beat boxing over there

Plus he looked super cute...

Shut up conscience! He's just a friend!

Back to reality... The jam had to end since Marceline had to go have some daddy-daughter moments

But no matter! I can still hang out with Finn and Jake!

"Hey (n/n), want to sword fight?" Finn suddenly asked pulling me out of my toughs when we arrived at the treehouse


Pulling out our swords we start fighting till night fall.


Everything seemed perfect. No pesky princess duties. Worrying that I did everything right... or else. So carefree with my new best friends...

I wish it could always be like this...

But there's one
thing I know about life. It can be a pain in the butt.

Finn x Reader: The Fate Of Two Humans (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now