Chapter 20: Gem of Resurrection

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"Is that...?" Jake stared at the gem.


"But how...? I thought—"

"Me too."

They looked closely at the person stuck inside the gem. Jake noticed some writing on the rock.

"You find yourself in the presence of the Gem Of Resurrection. Only he who is dignified worthy may escape death. True love will and always be the only key to open the gem. Those who do not have the qualifications will be killed and eaten by the beast that guards the gem."

Finn stared at the body looking for an answer. "How do you open it?"

"What?! Finn! No, you can die!"

"I don't care. I will get (Y/n) out of there."

"But... Finn, I can't lose you..."

"And I can't lose her... Not again..."

Jake just looked at the floor. The mere thought of the possibility of loosing his best friend gave him chills.

"Jake... You're my best friend... You, better than anyone else in the world, should know what it feels to be like this..."


"So how do you open it?"

"I'm not sure... it doesn't really tell you how... Hey, how about you yell 'I LOVE YOU!'?"

Finn's cheeks started heating up. "W-What?!," he stammered.

"Well it says 'true love will and always be the key' "

Finn signed. He faced the gem and took a deep breath. "I- I LOVE YOU!" He quickly closed his eyes, blushing.


The poor human boy opened his eyes embarrassed. "Wha...?"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But it's just that... your face— HAHAHAHA!— priceless..."



Both boys — I mean boy and dog — stopped bickering and turned their heads towards the voice. A scrawny creature-like goblin with green coloured wrinkly skin came out of the shadows holding a cane. A few strands of white hair was popping out of his shiny bald head. It was wearing a tattered — used to be — white sweater brown pants and was barefoot.

"What are you two hooligans doing here?! Get out! Before I rip your limbs apart!"


The old goblin was enraged. "That's it! I'm coming for ya! Ark! My back!"

"Uhm you okay, old man?" Jake asked.

"Yes! I'm perfectly fine! Now get out! Before I eat you!"

"What?" Finn tilted his head. "Look, man, we don't want to bother anyone. We just want to free our friend!"

"Yeah, right! That's what they all say! People these centuries just want the gem! Never the poor soul inside!"

"Hey, it's true! This is our best friend!" Jake says.

"Mmhm..." the goblin still didn't believe it. Who could blame him? All these years, only once there was someone who came to bring back their loved one. The rest were just bounty hunters. So sad...

"We aren't lying this is (Y/n) (l/n), our best friend," Finn proclaimed.

"Alright, I'll ask some questions," A puff of smoke appeared and, out of nowhere, the goblin took out a script and opened it. "If you answer them right, you can get her out"

Finn x Reader: The Fate Of Two Humans (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now