Chapter 2

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  I woke up to my alarm going off so I shut it off and put on shorts and my old jersey and tired my hair into a pony tail and walked down stairs and I saw the girls still asleep so I grabbed my hair horn form my hiding spot and I pushed it down and they screamed and jumped up and they looked at me with a smirk on my face.
"What was that for?" they yelled
"You been asleep since before I got home and you need to get dressed for basketball and on the way there I was going to tell you that I have good news for you" I said and they ran upstairs and within 10 minutes they were down and we were out the door with in that minute, we pulled out of the drive way and went down the street
"So what's the good news?" Kim asked
"Well you know Sophia?" I asked
"Yea did you see her?" Abby asked
"Yea I saw her yesterday and I have good news for her today after try outs" I said
"What's the good news?" Kim asked
"Well I called my lawyer and he said he has the papers ready so I can adopt Sophia and Monday or today depending on if I see Mr. Ashwood I was going to see if we could have a fundraiser for her to give her a little money" I said
"I hate to bring this up but you remind me of your mom she was the sweeties person besides you" Kim said and I understand but I stayed quiet in tell we got to the school. Remembering my mom broke my heart because she was my only person who was at my house because my dad had to run a school and that school was the school of my dreams. We walked into the gym and got all the basketballs out and once that was done all the girls where here and get got to stretches.
"Ok girls so I was thinking for a game it will be Abby, Kim and I against a full team with you guys but there a catch" I said
"What the catch?" someone yelled
"The catch is if you win us 3 will do anything you girls agree to but only one thing but if we win you do anything we agree on" I said the all huddle into a circle and I knew they would take the deal because we are the best and they won't miss an opportunity to mess with us.
"Deal" they said and so my girls and I took our passions and they picked out the players
"So first one to 10 wins?" I said and they nodded and so I walked up to my girls
"I was thinking since they think they are big shots we make them wear shirts that say (YOUR NAME) IS THE BEST AND I AM NOTHING COMPARED TO HER AND I AM HER SLAVE" I Said
"That is perfect but who picks who gets what person" Abby asked
"Well we choose" I said and they both nodded and we saw they were ready so I went to the jumping passion and I saw they were more focused on having me blocked but one of the girls threw the ball into the air and I hit it to Abby and she shot it from 3 pointer spot and made it. Then one girl tried to pass it but it was predictable so I jumped and got it and dunked it and that gave us 5 points. They took the ball again and Kim ran and snuck up and took the ball and passed it to me and I shot it from 3 pointer spot and made it. So it is 8-0 and so I took the ball made them think I was going to make it and so I passed it to Kim and she shot it from 3 pointers and made it and that was game.
"We win automatically" I said all of a sudden we hear clapping so we turned and I saw Mr. Ashwood and the lady I hit from yesterday
"That was good guys you 3 are the best players to take on a full team" she said
"Your Miranda Whitmore" Abby said then I remember she was my Idal because she was so good in high school and college and now she here.
"Yes I am and who are the 3 of you" she points
"I am Abby" Abby said
"I am Kim" Kim said
"I am Kiki or most people call me 22" I said
"These 3 girls are our best players and we are sadly going to lost them after this year" Ms. Ashwood said
"Mr. Ashwood could I talk to you" I asked he nodded and I went up to him and pulled him away from the group
"Mr. Ashwood I was wondering if I could have a basketball fundraiser for a girl names Sophia she is a 6 year old girl who has less than 3 months to live and I am going to adopt her today and I wanted to give her a little money before she lived for she can have a little fun before she died?" I asked
"That is so sweet and that is good maybe teachers vs basketball team?" he suggested
"That would be perfect thank you so much oh and she will be there with a doctor and a private nurse" I said
"That is so sweet of you 22 well get my a date soon for we can put it into play" he said and walked out and I just started to dance and Kim and Abby came over to where I was and looked at me strange I told them and we all screamed. Then we walked back over to where everyone was sitting and then Miranda started to talk
"Ok I am your new Couch and History teacher, and I liked what I saw between you guys but I saw some mistakes but we will fix them, and you 3(points at Abby, Kim, and i) you guys are great but only one of you can be captain who will it be?" she asked
"22" Abby and Kim both said and I looked at them like they are crazy
"Ok so 22 your captain and you and I will meet up once a week to go over game plans and watch over the videos I will be shooting and seeing what they did wrong or right" she said I nodded I looked at the time crap I was late so I tapped Kim and Abby on the arm and showed them the time and they got their stuff, and when we got down
"Where are you 3 going" Miranda asked
"I am late for something that is really important and they have to come with me" I said
"And what is more important than try outs?" she asked
"Hospital" I said which a complete lie wasn't
"Ok but you guys already made the team anyway I will see you Monday" she said we ran out the gym and to my car once we were in we headed to the hospital and I made it just in time before my lawyer got there. I walked into Sophia room and she was awake and watching tv.
"Hey Sophia I see you got my gift" I said
"Yes I love it thank you" she said and hugged me
"Want to meet some friends?" I asked
"Sure" she said and they walked in
"Sophia this here the blue shirt is Abby and the red shirt that is Kim they are here for I can give you a surprise" I said
"Oh you were able to get it?" she asked
"Yep but it is actually 2 of them" I said
"Really?" she asked
"Yep, go see if he here?" I asked one of them and Abby walked out and came back in and nodded yes
"Ok Mr. King can you come in here please" I asked and my lawyer came in
"Sophia this here is my Lawyer and he has some papers that say I can adopt you and I was wondering if you will let me adopt you because I love you like a daughter?" I said and she looked at me then at the lawyer  

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