Chapter 11

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We saw both Allison and Kayltin standing in the kitchen door with smiles in their faces

"Yes I love her" Miranda said I looked at her

"I love you too" I said and kissed her and she kissed me, someone cleared their thorats

"Congrates you guys and welcome back Kiki don't leave without telling her please" Alisson said

"Don't worry I won't, when I left I though that person at the door was coming in so I didn't want her to get in trouble and when I got home my dad called and asked me to fly into campus so I did but what I didn't realize is I forgot to grab my phone. My dad told me a couple of the team members who have high recommandation wanted to see me so I had to go." I said

"Wait on the basketball team?" Miranda asked

"Yes my dream has always been to a professional basketball player" I said

"That's my girl" Mirandaa said and wrapped her arms around me and squeezing me a bit

"So I am guessing brunch is off the table today?" Katlyn asked

"No you guys do what you plan I got to call the team up and make up for lost times" I said

"Are you sure?" Miranda asked not sure if I will be back and stay here in real life

"Yes I got to do this I promise I'll come over later tonight after everything ok?" I asked her and she looked sad but understood. I pecked her on the lips and left out the back door, I rushed to my car and drove back home and was greeted by my maids

"Welcome back Kiki" They said

"Thank you guys" I said and I handed them my bags and I went upstairs and grabbed my phone and called everyone

"Bitch your just now calling us?" everyone said at once and I only called one person

"Is the whole team their?" I asked

"Yes" they yelled

"Come to my place and I will explain" I said and hung up because knowing my team the are already on their way. I hurried and took a shower and once I was finally dressed my front door opened and I heard mulitple footsteps and they barge into my room and I was tackled into a bone crushing hug

"Don't ever leave us again" Abby said

"I know I'm sorry I had an apportenutiy to meet a couple of the team on ucla team who have a big impacked on who get in on the team and who doesn't" I said

"And?" Kim asked

"They loved me I should be hearing from them in a couple weeks" I said and they all squeled and jumped around

"So as you all know we tied with the teachers so I want to keep our end of the agreement what do you guys say?" I asked

"Sounds good when should we do it?" someone asked

"A week from today so next Saturday, I will put it a note on the teacher and tell them were to meet it's imortent" I said

"Sounds good" they said

"Do you guys want to practice?" I asked and they all agreed and we got our teams picked and went out back and played 3 games that's when everyone went home. I decided to go work out and I didn't realize time flied by in tell the maid told me they are leaving. I quickly got in my car and drove off to her house I went around back and I stopped when I saw she had company. I couldn't tell what they were talking about but soon that lady walked over to her and kissed her. I recoded this what broke my heart the most is she wrapped her arms around her and brought her closer. I stop recording and I sent it

"You know I never cheat glad I know you do We are though" I sent wtih the recording. I waited and the girl left, and Miranda got her phone out and froze when i think it was my name, she opened the text and watch the recording she started to cry and she realized where it came from. It started raining hard when she turned to where i was and lighting stuck and showed me she gasp and I went running I heard her calling after me. I got in my car and speed down the street and i looked in the mirror and saw her in the middle of the street with the rain pooring down. This is the last time i will see her

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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