Chapter 5

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  Kiki P.O.V
Today's the day of the fundraiser I was super nervous and couch white made the shirt slowly and yesterday on Friday and I had to wear it. Everyone was pilling in when Kim and Abby walked over to me
"Hey 22, so what the plan?" Abby asked
"Get the team over here please" I asked I looked around and I saw Sophia and I waved and I put my figure up to tell her I will be over in a minute, I looked back and I saw my team here
"Ok team so I was wondering if we should make this interesting to the teachers and everybody here" I asked
"What's your idea?" someone asked
"Well we make a bet to them then we get to make shirts saying they lost and they have to wear it to school, and if we lose on a Saturday at my place we will cook them a meal?" I said
"Well that is a risk because of Couch White" Abby said
"Any time she is playing, I am guarding her, I played her last week when I was late for practice and I was in the lead for the most part so I have the only chance at being with her match" I said
"Ok I am" the team said, I told them to go warm up and I walked over to Sophia
"Hey baby girl so how you liking the turn out?" I asked and gave her a kiss on the forhead
"I love it mom thank you, this is all for me?" she asked and hugged me
"Yes and it's a teacher vs students" I said
"Will I see you play" She asked
"Yes, and if anytime you want me near you let me know and I will sit out and come over" I said I looked at the doctor and his nurse he brought
"Thank you for coming it really means a lot" I said and they nodded their heads, I saw the princeable walk over to me
"What a turn out, so you ready to get this on?" he asked
"Yes I am" I said and I walked over to the microphone with Sophia in her wheel chair
"Hello and welcome to our fundraiser, I just wanted to say thank you all for coming and it really means a lot to Sophia and I that you came to help her. We are here to play a game of basketball but I want the couch/ team member of the staff to come up here please" I said and I saw Couch White walk over had a confused look on her which was so cute
"Yes?" she asked
"My team and I want to make a bet to make it more interesting for our fans" I said
"What's the bet?" she asked
"Well team to a teacher I got the couch(paused when waiting for team to stand by a staff member) well the people the staff are by they have to wear a shirt that the student makes for them, but if we lose us the students make you a meal" I said she looked at her staff
"Just a second" she said and she walked over and got into a circle then she came bacl
"So you guys in or not" I asked
"We are in" she said I stuck out my hand and she took it there where the sparks again, i looked at Sophia
"Ok guys once again thank you and the person you guys are raising money for is for this little girl right here, my daughter Sophia" I said and I handed her the microphone
"I just wanted to say thank you to my mom, when she adopted me it made my day. When she told me about this fundraiser I was so happy when I found out it was for me and I wanted to thank you so much" she said and handed the phone to me and the doctor walked her to the side lines
"Let's play ball" I said and went to my team, we set it up and I was jumper and so was Couch. The ref threw the ball in the air and I hit it to Abby and she took it down the court.
(2 hours later)
We were tied and it was down to the last 10 minutes of the game, I was on the sidelines watching it because Couch white wasn't on the court so I wasn't. Just then I heard my name being called I looked and I saw the doctor looking at me and then at Sophia so I ran over because I knew something was wrong
"We have rusher to the ER you coming?" he asked and I nodded we hurried out to the ambulance that broght her here,

"you be ok Sophia" I said and started to cry as the color from her face was going down I text Abby and Kim heading to ER for Sophia. When we arrived had to stay behind and wait I was pacing back and forth when Abby, Kim, and Couch White coming to the ER they rushed over to me and engulfed me in a hug well only Abby and Kim. I just wish Couch would come over here and hug me
"How it end?" I asked holding back the tears
"Well the staff scored as soon as you left but when we saw you guys rushing out we called it off and we don't do the bet" Kim said
"what od you mean we have to honor our commitment" I said
"Well I called it off because it wouldn't be far if you guys didn't have a full team" Couch said
"Thanks" I said just then the Doctor came out
"Kiki I am so sorry" he said
"What happen will she be ok?" I asked
"Kiki she died on the table" he said that and I fell into Couch arms and cried and she just rubbed my head and rocked me letting me cry on her shoulder
"I will always be here; I will not let you go easy Kiki I promise. I like you to much to let you go no matter what I am here" Couch whispered I barly heard it at least that's what I heard I think  

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