Chapter 7

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  I looked at her with hatred because she put me through hell when she adopted me, she was mote then my couch and the worst mother you could ask for
"Is that anyway that you talk to your mom?" she asked
"You where my adoptive mom and you took my feelings and messed with them and my heart" I hissed and try to shut the door but she put her foot in the door
"No I would never do that I only did what I did a because I love you" she said
"If you loved me then you wouldn't of raped me" I yelled and she looked down
"I thought you wanted it" she says
"So my screaming meant nothing it was just my telling in pleasure that is a loud of bull, leave before I call the cops" I threaten and with that I shut the door and leaned against the door and slide down it and started crying.
Kiki P.O.V
I can't believe I did that I kissed her and she kissed me back what does that mean for us? Well my dad booked Abby, Kim and I a massage for we could catch up. Right now I am on my way to pick up the girls, I pull up to Abby house and I saw that Kim was with her witch means even better, the girls got in and they get seat belted
"Hey girl" I say as I drive off to the massage place
"Hey" they both say
"What's new?" I asked
"Oh nothing just been missing you?" Abby says
"Sorry guys I know I have been distance, but you guys seen it before" I said as we pull up to the massage building
"we know that why we understand" Kim said and we got out of the car and walk into a building and walk up to register person
"Hi welcome to Relaztaz how I can help you?" she asked
"I have 3 massages under Kiki" I said
"Ok so 2 of you will be in one room and who Kiki will be in our best massage room" she said
"Ok thank you" I said
"Ok so that was weird my dad must of did that, I guess we will talk when we go out to eat" I said
"Wait we are going out to eat?" they asked at the same time
"Yes it was a surprise" I said and then we lead to our rooms I changed into my rob and walked out and I got under the covers and laid down and relaxed
"Hi my name is Ciara and I just wanted you to know that you will have our best person she will be in here shortly" she said
"Ok thank you" I said I put my head down and shut my eyes and listen the door opened and shut
"Hi I'm Miranda and I will be massaging you" she said and I knew that voice anywhere why her? Why now? I was just waiting for to start
"Ok so this might be cold" she said and I felt either lotion or oil be putting on my back
"So what got your back so tenses?" she asked um I don't know what to do she will know who I am
"Kiki I know it is you, I looked at my appointments and I saw your name" she said
"Sorry I didn't know" I said
"It's fine, you here with Abby and Kim?" she asked
"Yeah then we are going out to eat" I said
"AH, are you ready for the game Wednesday?" she asked and man was she good I could feel her hands where like magic getting my back to relax
"Yes and goodness your amazing" I said
"Amazing?" she asked
"Yes and getting my back to relax" I said
"That what I head (laughs) we should meet Tuesday in my class room before practice to go over a couple things before the game the next day" she says
"Ok I will be there" I said we kept talking for the hour and when it was time to go I sliped out and put my rob on, I turned to thank her and I felt her lips on mine her hands on my waist and I wrapped my neck and coutine to kiss her. About a couple minutes later she pulled away
"I really like you" she says
"We can't" I said she kissed me
"We can if you want to, because I know what I want and that you it's up to you" she says just as there a knock at the door

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