Chapter 3

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  "This isn't a joke is it?" she asked
"Nope (Mr. King hands me the paper) these are the official papers that say I can be your mom and if you want" I said and she began to cry
"I would love that" she said and I showed her where to sign and I signed where I was supposed to sign and then I handed Mr. King the paper and he left with that. Then I looked at my daughter
"Now the second might not be as good but I talked to your doctor and he is letting me take you to a fundraiser for you in a month or less and he will be there plus your own private nurse. The fundraiser is for you and its for you can have a little money" I said
"Really?" she asked
"Yep now I want you to choose a date with in a month or less" I said
"Well how about in 3 weeks from today?" she asked
"That is perfect" I said and I wrote down the date and put it in my pocket,
"I can't tell you how happy I am that you adopted me" she said
"I would do anything for you" I said and kissed her forehead
"How try outs go?" she asked
"Well you're talking to the caption of the team but I will be later than usual to visit you" I said
"That doesn't matter as long as I can see my mom" she said and the fluttered my heart just like Miranda man she see so beautiful it hurts me, stop it Kiki she your couch you can't think like that.
"You will always see me as long as I can, but sorry to cut it short but I have to go but I will see you tomorrow ok?" I said
"Ok I will see you I love you mom and thank you again" she said I kissed her head
"I love you too" I said and Abby and Kim followed me out. We decided to just go and rest I had to be up and go to pet adoption.
(skip to Monday)
I woke up at 5:30 am got ready and left my house by 6am, I wanted to swing by the hospital to see Sophia before school. When I arrived I saw Dr. Leigh
"Good morning Dr. Leigh is everything ok?" I asked walking over to Sophia and have her a kiss on her forehead because she was asleep
"Yea just doing a follow up so I heard you're her mom now" he says
"Yes and I couldn't be happier" I said and we both walked out of the room
"So the fundraiser is 2 weeks form this Saturday, and I want you to pick her private nurse please I trust you." I said as we reach the elevator
"Sure thing, I need your number since you're her legal guardian for her" he says and I took out my already piece of paper with my number on it and handed it to him
"But text before calling and put ASAP for I can get out the class room" I said and he nodded and with that I left for school. When I arrived Kim and Abby approached me
"Hey" I said
"Hey Couch be asking for you she needs to talk to you" Kim said
"Well I have my daughter to think about first and I will find her when I have free time now let's go to class" I said, and we walked off to class we had 1st lunch and last which was history with Ms. Whitmore. Finally when lunch came we all sat down to lunch and Kim and Abby had their usual and I didn't eat, I don't normally eat breakfast or lunch. Half way through lunch I got up and went to the bathroom, after the bathroom I went to find Mr. Ashwood and I walked to his office and I heard Mr. Ashwood talking to someone
"Kiki is are top student she has potential and she has a huge heart, she doesn't think of teachers as just teachers but she talks to them like they are equal to her" Mr. Ashwood said
"I understand that but Saturday she had to leave tryouts early for someone who in the hospitals who is in there her mom? Sister? Dad? "Someone said
"Miranda her mom is died last year and her mom was just like her, she just always volunteers for to talk read do something with kids that are in the hospital but there a special kid that we are having a fundraiser for and she grew on Kiki and so Kiki is the only person this girl see and she dying so Kiki puts as much time with her as possible" Mr. Ashwood
"As long as she shows up and doesn't leave practice I am fine she just can't do that and that sucks about her mom but I need the caption dedicate to this team" Couch Whitmore said that's when I stepped in
"I am as dedicated to my team as much as you are, and Saturday I had to go because I had an appointment with the doctor about this little girl to get everything set for the fundraiser 2 weeks from this Saturday" I said
"I am sorry I just wanted to make sure your mind on the game" she said
"It is it's also on my new daughter she needs me more than my team I already have time for her I will go after every practice plus if anything happens I will get a call from her doctor I will leave." I said
"New daughter?" she asked
"Yes I just adoptive her because she is dying and she wanted to have a true family before she died and I love her since I met her. Her parents died coming to see her and her other relatives didn't want her but I did and she has less the 3 months to live. If it makes you feel better I will work on either Saturday or Sunday before I go see her and practice one on one" I said why I just say that you know you can't hide feeling very well and spending one on one will make it worse god Kiki how stupid can you get
"Actually that is a great idea because then I can see what you can do and with the rivals we can make a secret and they won't find out about it" she said great
"That is a great idea how about Saturdays at noon at our gym" Mr. Ashwood said
"Fine" I said and left I walked back to the girls just made it before the bell rang.  

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