Chapter 9

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Kiki P.O.V

After we got done eat we went into the living room to sit and talk Miranda pulled me to her had me on her lap and I cuddled right into her and laid my head in the hook of her shoulder and sighed because I couldn't be happier with who I am with. Miranda wrapped her arms around my waist in a protect caring way, I heard a click and I looked and I saw Allison with both mine and Miranda phone

"How did you get my phone?" I asked siting up

"One of my many talents my dear friend" she said with a smirk Kaitlyn pulled Allison to her

"That's one reason she had me hooked from the beginning" she said and I was shocked that she talked I haven't heard her talk since she got here.

"She very shy Rakkaani" Miranda whispered into my ear making me shiver

"Ok let's get down to business" Miranda said

"Yes ok so how often do you guys see each other?" Kaitlyn asked

"We see each other 4 times a day one during lunch one during class one during our private couch/capital meeting and once during practice" I said

"Wait the principal trust you two alone for meetings?" Allison asked

"Yes I have the trust of everyone who their my mom and I made wonders for this school" I said and I fell backwards and some tears escaped and Miranda wiped them away

"Is she ok Miranda?" Allison asked

"Her mom died almost a year ago" she said and hugged me

"Oh I'm sorry" Allison and Kaitlyn said at the same time,

"its fine it just didn't help that I went to her gave and restaurant with in the last 24 hours" I said just then the doorbell went off and I got off Miranda and she went to get the door.

"Ok this is the plan, Lunch and class don't interact as much Private meetings cuddling and making our a big no kissing yes but not too long of one. Practice you act like couch and player then after school about 5 times a week you should see each other here to make it safe but not when its day light only at night unless emergency." Allison said

"Ok sounds good" I said she was about to say something when we heard

"NO JAY GET OUT AND NEVER COME BACK" I heard Miranda yell from the front door Allison and Kaitlyn go running to the front door I went to follow but Allison stopped me

"You can't be seen to soon or it will set Jay off" she said I sighed and stayed her

"I WILL NOT LEAVE WITHOUT YOU BEING MY GIRLFRIEND AGAIN" I'm guessing Jay say, I slipped out to the kitchen and her back door and I went home.

Miranda P.O.V

"I do not and will not ever take you back I am finally happy with out you in my life" I said just as Allison and Kaitlyn showed up behind me

"Go away Jay no one wants you hear" Allison threaten

"Who going to make me?" Jay asked

"I will you old hag" Kaitlyn said and steped up Jay went to punch her but Kaitlyn caught it andtwisted it and threw her out

"Stay away or get arrested your choice" I said and shut and locked the door,

"Thanks guys" I said and pulled them into a hug, we started to head to the living room where my girl is and when we got there I saw no sign of her but a note

I am sorry I am a burden in your life I won't be no more ~Kiki

Why would she be a burden, I just got her and now I lost her. I grabbed my keys and ran out of house to my car. Once I got in I floored it to Kiki house I knocked on the door and the maid answered it

"Yes?" she asked a little rude

"Is Kiki here?" I asked

"No she is not" she replied

"Thank you" I said I called up the whole team and they didn't know where she was either, great I finally have my girl and she gone missing.

"Rakkaani Where are you?" I called out loud when it started to down pore rain

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