Chapte 6

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  Miranda (Couch White) p.o.v
It's been about a week since Sophia died and Kiki hasn't been playing well nor been the same since, today it is our private practice and I was waiting for her to come down from her room. About 5 minutes later she comes down in her practice clothes
"Sorry for keeping you waiting" she says
"its fine, you ready?" I asked she nodded so we started with free throws which she usually good at but no so much, then we went one on one but anytime she got the ball I got to steal because she wasn't making it hard like she usually does
"Ok let's talk" I said and I stopped the game
"Look I am sorry but you don't know how I feel right now" she says and sits and brings her knees to her chest
"Actually I do" I said
"What are you talking about" she asked and looks up at me
"Well I lost both my parents in 5th grade so I moved to my grandparents tell sophomore year then they died. I was the star in basketball in my sophomore year in tell they died then I went downhill. My couch told me to stop weeping over the dead they want you to play your best and show them what to do. So I quickly made a gild up and then I was sent from forester home to forester home. Finally Junior year Basketball season I got adoptive by my couch and she tolf me to stop moping and get my head in the game" I said
"Oh and that is what you're saying to me" she asked
"No what I am saying is I know it hard to lose a loved one that your close to but you can't let it affect you because all you have to do is pretend they are watching and you're playing and giving it 110% your best" I said
"It not only that soon it's coming up" she whispered
"What's coming up?" I asked and moved closer to her
"a year since her death" she says and starts to cry I pull her in and on to my lap she lays her head in my neck and starts to cry I rub her back and it seems to calm her down a lot she pulls away
"I am sorry if you need me at all to talk to I am here for you I hope you know that" I said she gives me a weak smile
"Thank you I know I haven't been myself but I will work my hardest to get back to my old self" she says
"Start by hanging with Abby and Kim they been really worried about you" I said
"Your right" she says and looks me in the eye and we just keep staring at each other and its like time is Frozen in time. The next thing I know she kissing me with passion and I am gladly returning the passion, she licks for entrance and I give it to her. She explores my mouth and I moan because of the fireworks but she pulls away and looks very hurt
"I am so sorry, please go" she says and gets up and leave, I hear her run up the starir and shut her door. I got up slowly and walk out of her house and I get in my car and drive to my house. Once I arrived I pull out my phone
"Hello" she says
"Allison are you and Katlynn busy?' I asked
"No we just sitting watching tv, why what's up?' she asked
"I need your help" I said
"We will be right over" she says and hangs up, I go and take a shower and get into pjs and I go and make a ham and cheese sandwich with sour cream and onion chips while I was waiting them to come over. When my door open and reviled Allison and Katlyn they came over and sat by me
"What going on?" Allison asked
"She kissed me" I said
"I told you" Allison said
"She had fireworks when we kissed and when I moaned she pulled back said sorry and asked me to leave and ran to her room" I said they looked at each other and then back at me
"You know what you need to do right?" Katlyn asked I shook my head no
"Go talk to her and tell her you want and you know she wants you" she said
"I can't have a relationship with her plus she will just say it was just the heat of the moment" I replied
"What do you mean?" she asked
"She was crying I comfort her and so she will say something bull just like I did with Jay" I said
"Jay was using you to get to your dad" Allison said
"Yea but what about you guys" I said
"And look how we turned out and Kiki and you are meant to be" Allison says
"Your right" I said
"Well we got to go but tell us what happens with you too." They both say and leave I clean up my mess and open a Pepsi when there a knock on the door I get up and get it. I open the door
"What are you doing here Jay" I hissed  

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