Chapter 10

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Miranda P.O.V
Its been a week since I saw Kiki I was really starting to get worried about her, no one has seen her but I know her friends have been texting Kiki. I know she well enough to text her friends and them not to be worried, right now I am at my house cleaning up with dinner and i heard a tapping noise. It was coming from my back door i grabed my clean frying pan and walked towards the backdoor and I turned on the backdoor light and i saw someone standing their in a black hood with their face down. I slowly opened the door
"Miranda open please its freezing out here" I hearde that voice and basicly let her in and dragged her in. I pulled her into a hug and she returned the hug, when she let go i didn't I knew i was crying only because i was so happy to have her in my arms.
"Miranda you can let me go" She said and i slowly let go and looked into her beautiful eyes
"Why are you crying?" she asked wiping the tears from my face
"I'm crying becuase I haven't heard from you and you disappeared with out saying anything last week" I said
"I thought i was doing what was best , becuase of your ex trying to come in and your voice was so stressed and I don't want you to be stressed." Kiki said
"You just disappearing is what truly stressed me out" I said putting my hand on her cheek,
"Please forgive me" she whispered leaning into my hand
"Already done, I am just glad your here" I said
"I got a Plane in early I wasn't supposed to be here tell tomorrow" she said
"Where were you?" i asked
"Vancover Canda, my moms company opening a restant their so they asked me to tag along, and so i did becuase i am the owner of it now" She said, I intertwined our fingures and walked over to the living room and sat on the couch and she laid on my lap. I burshed my fingres though her hair,
"Please don't leave again like that agin please" I asked
"I won't nothing is planned now" she said
"When do you have to leave?" I asked
"Well i was hoping if you where ok with it that i could stay here?" she asked looked into my eyes and i just couldn't say no to her i have missed her way to much to let her leave soon,
"You are always welcomed here" I said and i kissed her forehead, she looked really tired
"Are you tired?" I asked her
"Yeah jet lagged" she mumbled and snuggled into me,i smiled and kept brushing my fingures thou her hair, not long after her whole body relaxed and so did her breathing. I am so happy to have her back with me, i picked her up bridle style only to see she light as a feather and that was never good. I walked up the stairs with her in my arms and she just snuggled closer to me and once i reached my room, i set her on the bed and went to leave and she grabbed me
"Please don't leave me" she begged and clinched on to my shirt and I kissed her forhead
"I will be back i just let me get ready for bed" i whispered to her, and she relaxed a bit. I went to the bathroom and put my sweats and t-shirt on and quickly went back to her and i saw she was already asleep in my bed, so i went to my side of our bed and crawled into it and went into Kiki backside and I put my arms around her and pulled her closely and snuggled into her and she was fully relaxed.
I woke up and i saw Kiki was still asleep so i deicided i would fix her breakfast, i crawled out of bed and slowly made my way to the kitchen and i decided i would make french toast and eggs and toast and bacon. Finally after an hour of making food i heard little pitter footsteps, i see her come into the kitchen she stopped and yawned. I took a out my phone and took a picture of her becuase no matter how she is she is always beautiful in my eyes. I quickly put my phone away and walked towards her
"Good morning" I whispered into her ear and wrapped my arms around her waist and turned her towards me.
"Good morning" she said with a smile that reached her eyes, i have missed her so much,
"Do I smell cinnamon?" she asked
"Yes i made french toast" i said her smile faded
"Why what's wrong?" i asked searching her face
"I am deathly allergic to cinnamon" she said with a frown, i quickly ran to the stove and threw it away and washed my hands good and threw away my cinnamon, i heard a laugh and i looked and i saw Kiki was smiling
"What?" I asked
"You, I have never met a girl willing to throw away cinnamon for me" she said, i walked over to her and i pulled her in and kissed her with a passion she was shocked at first and responded quickly I pulled back afterr a minute and put both of our foreheads together
"I would do anything for you, i am so head over heals for you, and i know this is to soon but when you left without a word i was so scared it made me realise that I am completly in love with you." i said
"You love me?" she asked
"You love her?" i heard so we both snapped and we saw

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