Chapter 4

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  Miranda P.O.V
She was so beautiful and great at basketball, and I get to have her to myself 2 times a week I can't wait, Miranda you can't think like that she your student. But when she was mad god that turns me on and I get to see her next period and for 2 hours after that was going to be hard not to fall for her when she already had me when we ran into each other. I heard the go off for class, and I saw the students coming into my room and I saw her so looked at me and then quickly turned and walked to the back now now that not going to work with me.
"Hello class my name is Whitmore but call me Ms. White, and I know am new so can I will call your name and I would like you to tell me about yourself" I said about half way through a phone started going off
"Who phone" I asked and I saw it was her she got up and left not even 2 minutes later she came in and ran and got her stuff and ran out without a word saying to me
"oooooo she in trouble" someone said
"Ms. White, Kiki had to go to the hospital that's who called" Kim said
"How you know?" I asked
"Because I was right beside her when she got the call" she said
"Ok thank you for telling me" I said and went back to roll, I had them start a project on anything that had to do with history to see where they are at. When practice came around she still wasn't back right as practice ended she came and she looked like some bad happen
"Is everything ok?" I asked walking up to her
"Yea now that she calm down I am super sorry about missing practice, and running out of class, Sophia was having a certain attack and only I can bring her out of it then she had a nightmare the mad her go back into her attack and it was a long day." She said
"Its ok, all we did in history is starting a project on whatever you want has to do with history and practice was just an easy day tomorrow starts training and I whoop your tussy into shape" I said and I that got her to laugh which was so cute
"Well I am going to go change and practice for a bit before I head home" she said
"Can you do that?" I asked
"Yes I can, as long as I lock up everyone fine with it" she said and went to go get changed , so I decided I would play her just for fun I put my stuff down and started to throw the ball in the hop. After a couple minutes I felt someone was watching me so I looked though the mirrior that minor the corner and I saw she was checking me out while biting her lip.
"What are you doing?" she finally said something
"I want to see what my best player got" I said with a smirk
"Oh I see and what if I don't want to" she says with a really sexy smirk on her face
"How about this we make a bet if I win, you have to wear a shirt that says I got beat by my couch at basketball and she the best and I am not" I said
"And if I win?" she asked
"I wear a shirt that says I lost to Kiki, or 22 which ever you prefer and it will also say the student surpasses the couch?" I said
"Deal" she says. We start the game and we called it after half hour playing and it was a close game and man was she hot playing the game, the score was 22-20.
"Looks like you won" she says
"Yep good game" i said and stuck out my hand
"Thanks you playing in the fun raiser?" she asked
"Yes i am, i am also couching them" i said
"Looks like we got another challege coming to us very soon" she said with a smirk which was sexy
"Yes lets see who wins and i will make the shirt and bring it to you once i am finished" i said
"Sounds good, i am glad i lost to you and not someone else have a good night" she said and walked off, i couldn't help but watch her leave as her butt which was fine may i say myself
"Mrianda you are so whipped" someone said and i turned around and saw my old buddy Allison
"I know but can you blame me, but how your thang doing is she here" i asked
"No Katlyn is not here but she says hi you know your in the same passion as she was and that girl like me right?" she asked
"She doesn't have it for me" I said
"Yes she does i see it in her eyes" she said and then left
"Does Kiki have a crush on me like i do her?" i asked myself out loud  

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